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Hi All,

Hope Everyone is doing good 🙂

In this Blog want to share information regarding how to export the CDS views into the presentation server through SAP HANA studio.

When we create CDS Views in Hana Studio/Eclipse they will be stored in an S/4 HANA system. Every CDS view will have an SQL.

CDS is an enhancement to the standard SQL language, it has all SQL features as below;

  1. DDL – Data Definition Language.  Used to CREATE Table, MODIFY Table, etc.

  2. DQL – Data Query Language.  Used to READ data.

  3. DCL – Data Control Language.  Used to configure ‘SECURITY’

  4. Expression Language – Mathematical calculations, conditions Case...Encase etc.

From the SAP point of view, the CDS view will check the DDL source point as per the below steps.

1. Go to SE11 Enter the SQL Name in the View Radio button and click on Display.

After Entering the SQL name and pressing the Display Button the below screen will appear.

Like this, we can see the CDS view as a field part. If we want to check the Source code for the CDS view.

We can Double Click on the DDL source it will navigate into our Source code as per the below.

This is From an SAP point of view check the CDS view source code.

In case you don’t have access to the S/4 HANA system. If you are working on another client you want to reusability of Source code for CDS views at the time the below steps will be useful.

First, we need to take the backup for all the CDS views into a Folder/File. These are the below steps...

1. Open the SAP HANA STUDIO/ECLIPSE.Go to File and click on that there is an option called Export.

Click on Export Button..

Select the File system and click on the Next Button. Below Popup will appears.

Once the Popup appears you can select all or single CDS view to export into either folder or a file
you need to provide the Directory path as per the above and click on the radio button as "Create only as selected directory" after providing that click on Finish.

Go to and check the directory path file on your desktop the files will be added. As per the below.

Hope this Blog will help.

Thank You...
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