Hello All,
In Std SAP we have many pre configured migration object which you can get it from here,
In this blogs I will sharing process or steps are involved in data migration in S/4HANA by using staging tables also will try to write blogs for all PP master data's like in further blogs,
- Bill of material
- Work center /Resource
- Routing/Master Receipe
- Production version
In this blogs we will seeing steps involved in migration of material BOM by using staging tables,
Below are standard process/phases involved in any migration objects
SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit – migrate data using Staging Tables

Below are option options available to fiil the staging tables,
SAP S/4HANA(On-Premise):
- From SAP S/4HANA 2020 it is possible to fill the staging tables using XML template files provided for every migration object. Alternatively, to fill the staging tables, for the Remote SAP HANA Database Schema you can either use an ETL tool or fill the data directly on the SAP HANA database. You can also use the SAP HANA Studio to fill the data.
- Note: Up to 1909 FPS0, the table definition is only visible for some technical reasons via the Dictionary (SE11). The tables and data itself are created on a secondary SAP HANA database. It therefore makes no sense to fill the tables in your primary SAP HANA database using the same schema as SAP S/4HANA or try to see the data in your SAP S/4HANA using Data Browser (Transaction SE16). If you see data in your staging table via SE16, then you must have made something wrong.
- Starting with 1909 FPS01, you can use staging tables that are located in the local ABAP schema of the SAP S/4HANA system (using the database connection "Default"). You can view the data using Data Browser (transaction SE16) but SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit does not support the use of transaction SE16 or SE16N to fill or edit the data in the staging tables.
Below are DB's are accepted when we use staging tables,
- SAP S/4HANA (on premise): SAP HANA DB
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud: SAP HANA DB via SAP HANA Cloud instance on SAP BTP (Note: SAP HANA Cloud DB for staging tables is released ONLY for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition (not for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition)).
For more information about data migration by using staging tables, please refer this note.
2733253 - FAQ for SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit. Migration approach: Transfer / Migrate data using staging tables
For any migration objects, Staging tables are generated in /1LT/DS namespace once a Migration Object is created in a migration project (using the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit or Migrate your Data app) and the runtime object is generated. When you open a migration object,
staging tables are automatically created for the migration objects. For each source structure of a migration object a separate staging table is created.
System used :
In above version you will be not able to use LTMC for data migration rather you must to Data migration cockpit fiori app.
In this cockpit , you will be list migration object are created for migrating data, like BOM, Work center and production etc..

Choose the Migration project which is having the migration object of material BOM,

Material BOM Migration object:

BOM- Migration object
Step- 3:
From action space, we can be able to download std pre-configured template with extension of XML,
and fill the BOM data per required data. Given template will be protected sheet, you can't any change and also suggesting to not to change anything in the template,
Step-4: Upload file
After filling with required data in std template, we can choose the upload option in action area,
and select file to be migrated,

After uploading of data, it will be validated with data in existing staging tables also we should be making sure data exist in staging tables should be loaded again because it will be ended with duplicate error.
Key field in staging table

For bill of material below are staging tables available,
Step-5 - Prepare
Once filled template uploading completed into staging tables, it will automatically propose for next step of
The staging tables need to be prepared before they can be used to transfer data to SAP S/4HANA. You can also run a consistency check for the data in the staging tables. All records need to be associated with records at a higher level in the hierarchy of staging tables. The consistency check checks whether these associations exist. Note that if you have transferred data to the staging tables using template files, the system has already performed the consistency check. However, if you have transferred data to the staging tables using your preferred tools, we recommend performing the consistency check now.
During preparing data will be loaded into staging tables & will be ready data validation with entered data against available (S/4HANA Back end)data.

Step 6 : Mapping task:
After preparing of data into staging tables, all data entered data will be validated with available data and also mapping will be carried out.
Ex: Material number, Plant and unit of measure.
when we confirming Unit of measure, It always should mapped with ISO code (Refer
CUNI configuration) because. UOM are always mapped to ISO unit in configuration and it may be assigned with multiple UOM as well.

GAL Unit of measure has assigned with
GLL ISO code also CRT UOM has assigned with
CR ISO. code

Step 7 - Simulation
Once you have prepared the staging tables and processed all open tasks for a migration object, you can simulate the transfer of data to the target SAP S/4HANA system. Note that no data is written to the target SAP S/4HANA system during the simulation process, but you can view all the messages that would occur during an actual data transfer (for example information about a cost center that does not exist).

You can monitor the status of the simulation for a migration object. On the Migration Project screen, choose the button Monitoring. The system displays the Monitoring screen, where you can view the active and completed activities, for example Simulation Started or Simulation Completed. You can view the number of migration object instances that have been processed, as well as the number of background jobs that are used to simulate the transfer.
On the Migration Project screen, you can view the number of migration object instances that have been simulated successfully, and the number of migration object instances that have errors. To view the instances, click the relevant number in the Simulation column.
If you are sure that errors for a specific activity can be ignored, you can set the status of the activity to Errors Resolved. The activity will not be displayed when you use the filter to view the activities with errors (status Completed with Errors or Failed).
Step 8 - Migration
Once you have prepared the staging tables and processed all open tasks for a migration object, you can transfer data to the target SAP S/4HANA system. Note that we recommend that you first simulate the migration.
On the Migration Project screen, select the relevant migration object and choose the action Migrate. The system will migrate the migration object instances in the staging tables for the migration object. Note that any instances that have already been migrated will not be migrated again.

Once migration completed, we can be validate in S/4HANA system. By suing CS03 we can verify the data migrated.
Reference articles:
Data Migration | SAP Help Portal
2907822 - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit - Unit of Measurement (UOM) Handling : Using ISO codes - SAP...
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