Dear SAP Friends,
In This Blog post, will help to get knowledge on the GUI transaction code extension to Fiori APP by Functional consultant.
We are unable to use the Fiori app for Post Customer down payment APP which is not available in Fiori 1709 on premise version on wards to till 1909 version.
Solution: We will have option to create the Fiori APP from SAP GUI transaction code via Fiori Launch pad designer by the following steps.
Steps to create the Post Customer down payment APP (GUI T-code F-29).
- Open Fiori Launchpad Designer in the CUST scope (or) enter the transaction code /n/UI2/FLPD_CUST in GUI scree after sign in on the desired client.
- Open or create the catalog where the target mapping and tile should be created
- Make sure that you have selected correct catalog (example Accounts receivable -Invoices – SAP_SFIN_BC_AR_INC_PAYM) to display the new Fiori APP in the same Catalog list.
- Click on Target Mappings and choose Create Target mapping option to create app.
- Select App Launcher Static and update the required input details updated in step 6 to 9.
- Enter the Semantic object -Customer and Application type Transaction
- Enter the Action PostDownPayment (without space)
- Enter Title Post Customer Down Payments and Transaction F-29
- Enter System Alias – S4FIN (test system updated GUI ID as S4FIN)
- Select Device type Desktop for GUI Transaction APP.
- Deselect Device Types Tablet and Phone as SAP GUI for HTML is not supported on these device types
- Parameters – Update the parameters if required to use as reference in your User parameters. Example: Name filed Company Code and BKPF-BUKR and you can use this filed as mandatory in APP after choosing Mandatory.
Screen shot: Open Fiori Launchpad Designer and create target mapping:

- Click on Save button to save the Target mapping details.
- Goto Main screen and choose Create tile option with same fiori Catalog selection option.
- Select App Launcher Static option and update the required details from step 16 to 21.
- Keep the default check box Use Semantic Object Navigation option
- Enter Title Post Customer Down Payments (make sue that same as in Target mapping input to match the description)
- Enter the Sub title F-29 to use the same in fiori APP search option
- Enter the Semantic Object Customer
- Enter the Action PostDownPayment (make sue that same as in Target mapping input to match the description)
- Select the ICON to display the relevant Image in Fiori APP (Example $ with relevant F* number)

- Choose Save button to save the Tile (App).
- Open the Fiori via Web or sap GUI /n/UI2/FLP if SAP gateway connected same system then enter your Login Credentials
- Choose Edit option in the user menu to add the APP in your home page or relevant group via above selected fiori Catalog Accounts receivable -Invoices.
- After adding tile to group” My Home ”.

- Double click on Post Customer Down Payments App and proceed the Customer Down payments.

- Conclusion: After completing the above steps, we will be able to view the Post customer Down payments App in Fiori Catalogs and added to Home pages or relevant group.
Please feel free to like and share your feedback.
Thanks & Regards
CMA RajaReddy Degapudi
Senior ERP Specialist