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1.           Introduction

The PM/CS module does not have a standard list-edit report to display task list operation data. Transaction IA09 (display task lists) only covers header data, and although IA10 (multi-level task lists) does show operation data, it is not in a list-edit format and is very difficult to rearrange into a list format (via Excel).

In this blog we will look at how to create an SQVI query to list task list header and operation data. Once you have mastered this process, then its quite easy to add materials, PRTs, etc.


2.           Logical Database PNI

You can view logical databases (LDB) via transaction SE36. They are a series of pre-constructed database tables and associated ABAP programs in a logical group. In this case we will look at PNI which is for PM/CS task lists. You may not know it, but LDB PNI is also used in transactions IA10, IA16 and IA17.


Note: LDB AFI is also available for PM/CS orders.


3.           Creating the SQVI Query

Step Description

Go to transaction SQVI and enter a name for your query and press the <CREATE> button.


In the popup, enter the following information:

Then click the <ENTER> button

Using the Data Fields browser on the left-hand side of the screen you can now choose which fields you want on the selection screen, and which fields you want to see in the report. You can see the data for each table by clicking on the “expand” icon:

As you add the list/selection fields they will then appear in the corresponding tabs on the lower right-hand side of the screen. You can also choose you fields from these tabs as well as sort and delete.

In this example I have chosen fields from the header (DIPLKO) and operation (DIPLPO) only.

Save the query once you are happy with the data.

You can now test the query using the <EXECUTE> button.

Because this is a LDB, you will notice that the top part of the selection screen is pre-assigned and you cannot change this. The Program Selections area of the screen are the additional options you have chosen in the steps above.

You can now enter your selection screen values as required, and possibly save them as a variant to make testing easier.

Once you are happy, press the selection screen values, press the <EXECUTE> button to run the report. Be patient, this LDB can be quite slow…

Check the results:

Note: you can utilise the usually ALV functions (sort, total, group, filter, etc) to arrange the data as required and save as your preferred default variant.


4.           Tips & Tricks

Step Description

Multiple SQVIs:

The PNI logical database can be very slow, especially if you go down to the 3rd level (materials or packages or PRTs, etc).

If your query is too slow, then think about splitting your query into separate queries , e.g.

  • Query 1: Header->Operation->Materials

  • Query 2: Header->Operation->Packages

  • Query 2: Header->Operation->PRTS


Colouring columns:

Go into your query in change mode, and select the <LAYOUT MODE> button in the application toolbar. You will now be presented with a different view of the data.

You can change column colours by clicking on a field in the top right-hand section of the screen, and then selecting the required colour in the List Field section of the screen:

Apply the colour setting once finished.

The graphic should then display your chosen colours:


Variants & Layouts:

You can create selection screen variants and ALV layouts for your query as per any other list-edit style report.

View Options:

The default is to view the data in an ALV format via the SAP List Viewer option. However you can change the default output to the following options:


Running SQVI via SE38 or SA38:

SQVI queries are intended for personal use, so no one else can see or use your queries via transaction SQVI. However, you can get the ABAP program name using the following menu path: SQVI->QuickView->Additional Functions->Generate Report Name

Then anyone can use this program name in either SE38 or SA38.

You can also link this program to a “Z” transaction if you have developer access.

Converting SQVI into SAP Query:

Do the following in SQ01:

1.       Set the query area to the standard area using menu path: EnvironmentàQuery Areas

2.       Set the required user group via (OTHER USER GROUP> button

3.       Choose menu path: QueryàConvert QuickView

4.       Enter the QuickView name/user of the query in the popup and click <ENTER>, then enter the new Query and InfoSet name and click the <ENTER> button

5.       The SQ01 query should now be created and you can perform the usual SQ01/SQ02 functions



5.           Pros & Cons

  • Pros:

    • Easy to create an SQVI query for LDB PNI

    • Pre-configured selection screen based on header data. But additional options can be added

    • Can be converted to SAP Query (SQ01/SQ02)

    • ABAP program points:

      • Can be copied and amended e.g. adding drill downs

      • Transaction can be added

      • Can be transported

    • Cons:

      • You need access to transaction SQVI, possibly in production

      • Can be slow if too many LDB tables used

      • Lots of replicated data if you go down multiple levels

      • SQVIs are personal, so they can only be shared via the ABAP program name, or associated ABAP program

      • Unfortunately the functional location/equipment/general task list selection is via a radio button so you cannot select all task list types at the same time

      • Drill-downs not possible in SQVI

      • Some objects only have the internal number available (e.g. work centre)

      • You cannot default the selection screen variant as per other list-edit reports (using the U_XXXXX format)



6.           References










SAP Query (SQ01/SQ02):






Active Participant
Hi Peter,

There is now 2 new transactions for Task list & Operations. IA38 & IA39 see note

2870957 D10338 - Task List and Operation List

I have implemented it in our S/4 1809 system and it is rather large but really worth the effort.
0 Kudos
Thanks Peter for sharing this Detailed Documentation on it.
0 Kudos
Thanks Graham for the Update. I just checked the System and found that we were just short with SAP_APPL - 618 - SP13. But was a Good Information to know so to be ready when we do the Upgrade.
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