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1. Object Dependencies in Task Lists

The table below outlines the allowable object dependency assignments for the following task list elements:

The object dependencies can be created and assigned as follows:

  • Local dependencies: these are only available for the task list element that they were created for. They are created from within the task list and cannot be used elsewhere. They are assigned an internal number which you cannot influence.

  • Global dependencies: these are created externally from the task list via transaction CU01. You can assign a dependency name, and they can be used in any number of task list elements.



2. Object Dependency Definition

2.1  Selection Condition

Selection conditions are used to determine whether a task list element (operation, BOM item, etc) should be selected and transferred into the PM/CS order.

Selection condition can also call VC function (CU65) which in turn calls a function module to run more complex algorithms. A configuration profile must be present to trigger the VC function.

2.2  Procedure

Procedures are used can make logical decisions to influence the task element data. For example, you can redetermine the amount of working hours on an operation dependent upon information passed from the configuration profile (CU41).

Procedures can also call VC function (CU65) which in turn calls a function module to run more complex algorithms. A configuration profile must be present to trigger the VC function.



3. Object Dependency Triggering Sequence

For task lists, the object dependencies are triggered in the following sequence:

  1. Selection condition: this is used to determine if the task list element (operation, BOM item, etc) should be passed to the PM/CS order

  2. Procedure: this is triggered AFTER the selection condition and is used to change the task list element data (if required). More than one procedure can be assigned if required.



4. Reference Characteristics

In variant configuration, you can use reference characteristics with dependencies to change field data in the underlying transaction.

Reference characteristics are created via transaction CT04 and refer to a specific field. For task list operations we use table PLPO.

In the example below we are referring to the Work field in the task list operation (ARBEI).



5. Object Dependency Syntax

5.1  Allowable Expressions

Logical Expressions:


Arithmetical Expressions:

Special Expressions:


5.2        Syntax Examples: Selection Conditions


5.3        Syntax Examples: Procedures


5.4        Syntax Examples: with VC Functions



6. Object Dependency Debugging

For general debugging, set break point in function module CULL_CONFIGURE_ITEM.

For more specific debugging:

  • Functions: program LCULLF02→CULLX_EVAL_FUNCTION

  • Procedures: program LCULLF01→CULLX_EVAL_PROCEDURES

  • Selection conditions: program LCULLF01→CULLX_EVAL_SEL_CONDITIONS


7. Appendix

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