Hello Reader,
The aim of this document is to share my learning on
- How to record the overhead plan data into ACDOCP. i.e., the cost center planning or internal order planning cost elementwise using the App ‘Import Financial Plan Data’
- How to retrieve the plan values existing in ACDOCP into the Analytical reports of Managerial Accounting (Apps like Cost Center - Plan/Actuals, Cost Center - Plan/Actuals YTD, Internal Order - Plan/Actuals, Internal Order - Plan/Actuals YTD)
Part I.
Loading the Plan data into ACDOCP:
According to the Note:
2270407 - S4TWL - Profit and Loss Planning, profit center planning, cost center planning, order planning, and project planning, from 1511, overhead planning using classic methods like CJ40/CJ42 (overall planning on projects) KP06/KP07 (cost centre planning), CJR2/CJR3 (project planning) and KPF6/KPF7 (order planning) are removed from the menu and these transactions keep updating the classic planning tables but cannot update ACDOCP.
Now, planning can be done using using Fiori App ‘Import Financial Plan Data’ by updating ACDOCP Table. It is not the option though. Based on the project scope one may explore the options like BPC, IBP but this document would not be speaking on the later options.
Process to upload Plan values in ACDOCP using the App ‘Import Financial Plan Data’
- Go to the Fiori tile Import Financial Plan Data:
Open the app by clicking the above tile
- Fiori App will be opened. Click on Download template in the bottom of the screen.
- By clicking the download template, system gives you popup of all the available planning templates. I shall proceed with Internal Order Planning by clicking on the respective option.
- It downloads the template for the internal order planning
- Close the Pop up window of the ‘Download Templates’
- Open the template and fill the relevant data in the excel sheet and save it in your presentation system
- Go to the App and click Browse .csv files, select file that is created from the saved location and hit on open.
- Review the ‘Plan Data Scope’ and click on ‘Import Source File’
- Upon clicking the ‘Import Source File’ the details will be imported and will get the feedback of the same as ‘The plan data has been imported successfully’. Then the loaded data will be ready for display by clicking the button ‘Check Financial Plan Data’
- The loaded data will be displayed under ‘Financial Plan Data’
Note: The display of the loaded financial plan data is possible to be seen only through the app ‘Import Financial Plan Data’ that too only in the same session, subsequent to the plan data load as an In-app call. This display app is not available separately for now.
- In the table ACDOCP we can see the values updated.
Part 2.
Populating the Plan data from ACDOCP into the Analytical Reports of Managerial Account:
- Without the necessary settings, if any of the Analytical reports of Managerial accounting, in which the planned data is expected to be pulled from ACDOCP are executed, the planned values will be showing empty.
Example: if I run the Fiori App : Internal Orders – Plan/Actual (Without relevant setting to pull Planned data)
Notice that the uploaded Plan value $ 3030 is not showing up in the plan amount.
- By default as per best practice the variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV will have the default value of InfoProvider Cube /ERP/SFIN_R01 which is a BW real time InfoProvider. But this is not the area which holds the planning data, which is loaded through the fiori APP : ‘Import Financial Plan Data’. The same should be retrieved from the table ACDOCP.
- For this for all the Filters that Start with /ERP/SFIN_* under the variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV the default value has to be changed to /ERP/SFIN_V20 which is the Virtual InfoProvider Cube of ‘S/4HANA Financials - Plan Data’ from ACDOCP
- Process for the settings are as bellow:
4.1. Start transaction RSPLAN (Modelling BI Integrated Planning) and choose Filters .
Then the selection would turn to filters from InfoProvider.
4.2. In the Filter field, enter any filter which uses the variable /ERP/P_0INFOPROV, for example, any filter starting with /ERP/SFIN_. Choose Edit .
In our example we used the Filter of Internal Orders Query: /ERP/SFIN_A11_FIL01 (Order Planning on Periods)
You don't really want to edit the filter but this procedure is a way to get to the editing dialog of the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable.
4.3. Locate the InfoObject 0INFOPROV (InfoProvider) in the Selections screen area. Choose Selection right next to the Restriction column
4.4: In the
View field, choose
Variables from the dropdown list
4.5. Choose the /ERP/P_0INFOPROV variable in the Variables of Single Values table. Then choose Edit Variable
4.6. Choose Next Step twice to get to the Default Value(s) field. Choose Default Values right next to it.
4.7: Choose the InfoProvider of your choice and confirm with Continue . In current scenario it is /ERP/SFIN_V20 so that it pulls the S/4HANA Financial Plan Data from ACDOCP
Then the default value changes to /ERP/SFIN_V20 (S/4HANA Financial Plan Data from ACDOCP) and hit continue
Hit save in the next screen
Save the settings.
- Go back to the app ‘Internal orders – Plan/Actuals’ and run the report with the same parameters. Below is the output for the same. Notice that the Plan amount that has been recorded in the acdocp table is being fetched into the report.
Similarly the same activity can be performed for the filters which start with /ERP/SFIN_, based on the requirement.
This should help in planning the overheads, at the cost object level with the combination of respective cost element.
ACDOCP is updated using the Fiori APP 'Import Financial Plan Data'
At the end the data that is loaded into ACDOCP should be available on Analytical reports for comparison with the actuals.
Source / References:
- SAP Note: 2503495 - FIORI APP: Plan data not displayed
- App Details of ‘Import Financial Plan Data’
- SAP Help documentation
Analytical Apps for Management Accounting,
BW Objects for Analytics and Planning,
Choosing the InfoProvider for All Planning Applications
Name : Ramana Gottipati
Company : Dickinson + Associates