Usually, we are using tcode LSMW or MM50 for extend material master. That is mean that we must prepare complicated data before. If we have many plants, material types, MRP controllers, etc. then we have many mistake data possibilities too. Beside that, we need long times for prepare data.
In this blog, we will learn about simpler way for extend material master.
SAP has tcode BD10 for send material master to another SAP client through IDoc, but we can manipulate this process to make extend material master to same SAP client. The process steps as follows:
- IDoc Configuration
- Create new RFC (ABAP) connection for SAP client itself in tcode SM59. Please ask BASIS member for make this configuration.
- Create new ports in IDoc processing (tcode WE21) with RFC destination are using RFC connection for SAP client itself.
- Create Logical System (LS) partner type for MATMAS IDoc outbound parameter in tcode WE20. If we want extend material master to 10 plants then we must create 10 partner types too.
- Create Logical System (LS) partner type for MATMAS IDoc inbound parameter in tcode WE20.
- Create Distribution Model (tcode BD64) for send material master
- Converting Data Between Sender and Receiver
Because some values (example: plants, sloc, valuation area, etc.) are different for another plants, then we must create converting data between sender and receiver as follows:
- Create new Rule for converting data (tcode BD62).
- Maitain Rules (tcode BD79) for change value of some fields. You can use # for make empty value.
- Assign Rule to Message Type MATMAS (tcode BD55)
- Extend Material Master
- Send Material for extend material master tcode BD10 using outbound logical system for SAP client itself.
- Check IDoc status in tcode WE02. We can found outbound IDoc and inbound IDoc
- If IDoc status is OK then you can found that material master already extend.
SAP has tcode BD10 for send material master to another SAP client through IDoc, but we can manipulate this process to make extend material master to same SAP client.
This method is easier than LSMW or MM50.