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In S4 or in ECC with OSS notes 2387585 - FAGLACC_CHECK: New Check Report for G/L Account Master Data on Company Code Level, there is a new transaction to perform following tasks:

  • Select fields for checking in the "Check Control" group to tailor your checking requirement.

  • View check results in hierarchy. The top-to-bottom nodes are "Chart of Accounts", "G/L Account" and "Company Code".

  • View check results for unassigned company codes, if you select "Unassigned Company Code" before running the report.

  • View highlighted columns that contain inconsistent texts.

  • Redirected to transaction FSS0 in display mode to view the G/L account master data for the corresponding company code, when you double click the "Company Code" subnode under the "G/L Account" node.

  • Redirected to transaction FSS0 in creation mode to create the G/L account master data for the corresponding company code, when you double click the "Company Code" subnode under the "Unassigned Company Code" node.

  • Export check results and save as an Excel file.


The process to use it, it’s very sample.




Define your criteria, you can select company codes or none, in this case SAP will take in consideration all Companies codes concerned by Operational Chart of Accounts (OCOA) concerned.

At least, define one OCOA.


Define which controls are required:

With OSS note 2772658 - FAGLACC_CHECK: Supplementation of additional characteristics you can add some criteria as

  • Account can be posted to only automatically

  • Supplement for automatic postings

  • MCA keys (as of SAP_APPL Release 606)

  • Line item display (up to SAP_APPL Release 616)

You can delimit result only inconsistent result and show unassigned Company code.


Run report


We have 2 representations:

  1. One limited only on characteristics with inconstancy

  2. One display all characteristics and highlight inconstancy


If you ask to display only GL accounts with inconsistent, others wouldn’t be displayed.

Display mode by default (1)

You can navigate on it and SAP will display inconstancies like this


Here, the question, is it logical to delete this GL account in one company and not for others or not?


Or you can use the second mod to display all GL characteristics with Highlight inconstancies

Unassigned companies are collected for each GL accounts concerned


Excel file collects all information and you can do your analysis external of SAP excepted unassigned company codes.


It's my first post, I hope it will be helpful.
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