This blog is all about sharing my personal experience about journey from one SAP Certification to another Certification, specially
in latest S4HANA, SAP Cloud Platform and Fiori space.
Many of my colleagues, LinkedIn contacts and friends asks me about my experience and motivation behind the SAP Certifications, so I just thought to write a blog sharing about my experiences, learnings here.
I am strong believer of learning new things, get expertise and move on. The technologies are changing so rapidly and skills are getting redundant at an extremely high pace. Every consultant must be on their toes to learn the new technologies.
An Investment in the KNOWLEDGE always pays the best Interest”- Ben Franklin
An Investment may be – Struggle to learn new technology, Time, Effort, Determination, Commitment, plan of actions and finally Money off course
I started my journey as SAP ABAP developer in one of the Vehicle Manufacturing company to various Top IT Consulting companies and finally contracting.

Transition from ABAP Developer to S4HANA Architect
We always need to perform better in your current Role or Job and henceforth our skills should get improved/ upgraded with each passing day. Without upskilling ourselves, it is harder to expect from employer to get good bonus or appraisal at the yearend
SAP Certification is some thing which gives me target to learn something new with passion, zeal, explore the technology in detail and achieve the same in a time bounded manner and to test your skills by SAP itself.

My SAP Certifications Journey
My Key takeaway from my SAP Certifications journey
- “Investing in Education – Never a Waste”, Keep Learning and Keep Sharing.
- Learning is a continuous process, all the learning must be supported by the evidence from the third party, hence, Certifications are must.
- You should have the same enthusiasm, until you pass your Certification.
- Read religiously your SAP Certification books and practice in system as many times as possible.
- Few People will call ‘Certification is waste of money’. Ignore them. Be Positive, Think Positive and Stay Positive.
Mohit Bansal