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This blogpost  will help you understand how to maintain multiple email addresses for mail communications to vendors using BRF+/ S4 HANA output management framework.

If you have already carried out the necessary pre-requisites of email communication with suppliers using the email template application, we will dive a level deeper on the sender and receiver components of it.

Sender Address:

As per standard settings, the sender email address is determined by default from the purchase group email address (SAP Note-2503936). This email ID can be maintained in the purchase group config as shown below-

Once maintained you can cross check this in the backend ABAP table T024(Purchasing Group).

Receiver Address:

Once we have determined the sender email address, now comes the receiver email address. The first component is the “To” part. As per SAP note 2883681, at any point of time a business partner can only have one default email which is stored here, and which is the vendor email address for any email communication.

Usually in large firms and organizations there is dedicated group with a specified distribution list that is supposed to be copied on any external email communication to suppliers. To cater to this need, from S4 HANA 1909, onwards SAP gives the option of maintaining these email ID's in OPD rules via the below steps.

Step 1: Start transaction OPD or navigate via the IMG- SAP Customizing Implementation Guide>Cross application components>Output control>Define Business Rules for output determination

Step 2: On the output determination screen select the application object that you are working on and then select “Email recipient” under business rules.  As you can see below, we have maintained multiple "To" and "cc" email address for various combination of purchase organizations.

Step 3: The type of email address can be maintained via the email type code (To/cc/bcc) by first clicking the edit button in maintain business rules tab and then selecting the options from the email type code field

Step 4: On the email address field, open the drop-down list and select expressions

Step 5:In the search criteria, set application name to OPD_APOC_SYSTEM and expression type to constant and then hit search. This enables the business rule to pick up the default email address from the business partner.(Note- This is relevant when you want to maintain multiple email id's for email send  functionality)

Step 6: You can add/maintain  additional email addresses as required by maintaining in the rules here for cc and bcc communications.

Once you have set these rules in OPD, based on your requirement per document type /purchase organizations (& other conditions), you can create a purchase order ,save and approve it. Under messages tab you can check the receivers of the email output.

Click on the output type created for Email channel and select display details

Here you can see that for the “To” Email address, the vendor email id is picked and for the "cc" email address is picked up from the OPD rules.



The above steps show you how to setup and use the multiple email functionality for external communications to vendors as business partners if you have decided to implement S4 HANA output management . This also reduces the effort of maintaining these email addresses on business partner master data. Please share your insights and thoughts from your experiences as well in the comment section. Would also encourage you to follow me and this tag for interesting posts in the future.



SAP Note  2292571 SAP S/4HANA output control - technical setup

SAP Note 2883681Different default email address is shown for a Business Partner

SAP Note 2503936Sender e-mail of S/4HANA Output Control output is unexpected. And "sender email address can't...

SAP best practices explorer - Output Management
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