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In this blog I will explain about the MRP4-view individual/ Coll requirements field data maintaining and its working process with screenshots.

Some implementation projects still not get succeed in this world, because of not maintaining the proper master data, few of the consultants not gathering exact requirements from client, some times they are fails to maintain the proper master data even though if they gathered proper requirements,  so they are losing the successful implementation.

Everyone will agree if master data is perfect, mostly 70 to 90% of implementation process is get success as per my experience.

Already our SAP experts were explained various times, But Still some of our PP and MM consultants getting confusions about the MRP-4 view individual/ Coll requirements field data maintaining for MTS and MTO.

Scenario 1:

For MTS we can run MRP using the T. codes MD01, MD01N, MD02, MD41 and MD42, it has no role, all materials and dependent requirements will be procured collectively.

In MTO, if you want to check the unrestricted raw material stock when you run the MRP for sales order, please check by selecting individual/collective requirement as 2, this Indicator is useful to control the planning of dependent requirements if the main product is being planned with strategy 20.


  1.  In BOM I have created one FG header material code as 93 and assigned one raw material code as 42.




If you set Individual indicator for both header material and dependent material, then if sale order comes for qty, then During MRP run using MD50 system will create a plan order with reference to sale order and for dependent material, system will plan dependent material as sale order relevant. System won’t consider warehouse stock for that sale order.

  1.  For FG header material 93 maintained individual/ Coll requirements as 1.


  1.  For Raw material MRP-4 maintained individual/ Coll requirements as 1, for individual planning, this indicator is used to display the dependent requirements of a component separately.




  1.  Check the RM stock in MMBE.



  1. Run MRP using MD50 with the reference of sales order number 7439.



  1.  MD04 stock requirement list we can see the dependent planned order with customer order 7439.




  1.  Pegged requirements we can see the planned order for FG material code93 and PR for RM code 42.



Scenario 2:

  1. Changed RM material MRP 4 view individual/ Colll indicator as 2, If you set collective indicator for dependent material system will consider warehouse stock for dependent material.



  1.  Now, Run MRP using the t. code MD01N with the reference of FG material code 93 and maintain planning mode as 3.




  1.  Check the stock requirements using MD04 for the same sale order number 7439.




  1.  Pegged requirements we can the planned order for FG material 93 and no proposals for raw material 42.





I hope above the screenshots and its explanations will helpful for all PP and MM consultants to maintain the data properly in material master.






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