This blog explains the basics of the Migration Cockpit Migration Object Modeler .
Before reading this blog make sure to already your aware of the Migration Cockpit
Transaction : LTMC .You can find detailed information in the below blog
Introduction :
It is a part of the Migration cockpit which integrates Custom objects or standard objects not provided in the S/4 Hana Migration Cockpit template.
NOTE : Its available only on On-Premise systems
Transaction for MOM : LTMOM (SAP_CA_DMC_MC_DEVELOPER role should be assigned to user to access it
Source Structures :
The structures are shown in a hierarchy way which are visible in different tabs shown in the excel template in Migration cockpit.
You also have the possibility to make the field ( required ,visible or non-Visible ) in the excel template Right click on the structure->Display view will open the below view
Target Structures :
Target Structures are the strucutres to which the sources structures are mapped .They can be single or multiple fields or tables.
There is a Function Module on the top of the structure which is used transfer data from source structure to relevant target structure to S/4 System.
Structure Mapping : : '>>' this symbols represents that the Target structure is mapped with the source structure.You can also Drag and Drop for the structure mapping in the edit mode.
Field Mapping : This section display all the fields which are mapped and also not mapped
Mapped target fields are displayed with green icon and the others with red.
You can also drag and drop the fields then MOVE statement will appear showing that the field is mapped.
You can also create own
Rules :
There are some rules similar to the enhancements where you can change the values of fields or add custom code .
Field Based rules : These are used to change the target field values during the migration.(Exmaples like internal and external numbering of customers )
Event Based : Custom coding can be inserted at some predefined points of predefined events(Like strart of loop or start of record ) .You have an option to write the below three in the drop down of the variant type.(You can also
Free Code
Fixed value
Translation Object
Internal Rules : These are re-usable code modules which can shared across the other rules.This is triggered either with the field-based or event based rules
Translation Objects : This is used for the translation like Country keys, Language keys .
NOTE : Can be enabled only by the field-based or internal rules.
For further information on how to extend the or add new fields please look at the below blog :