Originally Multi-Bank Connectivity connector was provided by SAP for data exchange between ERP systems and SAP Claud Multi-Bank Connectivity tenant. In our case we are going to use MBC connector for payment data exchange between local ABB SAP systems and central GCM SAP.
Here We will discuss steps that are required in the sender system in order to use MBC connector for transferring payments from local systems to global GCM. The manual includes the following steps:
• Installation of the BSNAGT 200 component in the local system :
Implementation of SAP Notes
o 2949014 - API Function Module for Message Creation
o 2969746 - Maintenance View for RFC-API Settings
o 2969603 - Configuration Table for RFC-API settings
o 3077799 – Extended Header Parameter Origin created multiple times
• Creating RFC Destination to the Target System
• MBC connector customizing related to payment program
Here we assume that the Payment Workbench Medium is used in the local systems in the payment program for creation of payment files.
Step 1:
Installation of add-on component – BSNAGT 200 SP 06 (latest available package on SMP)
Downloaded software packages on local machine from SMP –

Implementation of SAP Notes
Before checking these notes, please make sure that latest version of SAP Note
1668882 i.e. Version 30 should be implemented in the system.
Post which below notes could be checked and implemented in the system -

1668882 note is implemented, we should be able to proceed with steps Notes which are in correct status for where it is ready for implementation.
Before implementing it, please ensure that the name space /BSNAGT/ is set as modifiable in your system or else you may get errors while downloading / implementing the note.
In my case, note 2969747 we already implemented it hence appearing as completely Implemented
Creating RFC Destination to the Target System
Create an RFC connection with the help of Basis team and assign it to all 3 environments i.e. Dev, QAS & PRD.

FI Configuration :-
SAP Instructions in the guide suggested that below settings were to be maintained with SPRO under the node of Multi-Bank Connectivity Connector.
However, the SPRO node did not have the below features, thus table maintenance had to be used for the same as shown below
Maintain Routing Settings
Transaction – SM30
Table/View - /BSNAGT/V_ROUTE

Sender ID – Customer number entered in house bank (see Maintaining Sender ID for Payment Medium Workbench)
Receiver ID – message receiver - House Bank BIC
Message Type – Message Type of the files to be sent
Routing – Type of Routing to be used

Maintain Settings for RFC API

We need to maintain this view as well like the previous one.
Below setting is used to specify the RFC Destination to be used to send message out of the system.
Use origin FIPWM only if PWM is used in payment program.
For file pickup use PICKUP as origin.
Maintain Secure Store and Forward (SSF) Profile Data

Input in
Appl. as BSNAGT

Further Configuration in FI is as below:
Maintaining Sender ID for Payment Medium Workbench
Customer number is added to House Bank data (if doesn’t exist already).
Later on, the customer number is displayed in the MBC monitor as content of the field SenderID.
Transaction FBZP House banks

We suggest using the following naming convention for Customer Number (Sender ID in MBC connector)
IGAR number of the sending system - 8 characters
Country of the company code - 2 characters
Fixed ID (AP for AP paym. or HR for payroll paym.) - 2 characters
If the Customer Number filed was empty and will be filled for the first time, all the potential side effects for the XML file content need to be checked.
If the customer number field is already taken by other purposes and must not be changed, or the same bank is used for AP and HR payments. The sender ID can be set in the follwing BADI /BSNAGT/BADI_MESSAGE_FACTORY. The necessary programming is desribed in separate document.
Configuring Payment Medium Formats (PMW)
Transaction OBPM1
It has to be done for each Format that is used.
The following changes necessary for MBC connector:
- Type: SAP Multibank Connectivity Connector (field behind Electronic Payment Medium)
- External format description (“Message Type” in the MBC connector)

Event module 21 added under “Customer settings for Format”.

There is additional t code acess is required for which may be new roles to be added i.e.
/n/bsnagt/monitor_admi with program
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Happy reading..!!