Material Ledger combines the advantages of both MVA and Std price
One of the Advantages of the Material Ledger is , it combines the advantages of both types of price controls
- S ( Standard price)
- V (Moving Average price)
In this blogpost you will learn how Material Ledger combines the advantages of both MVA and Std price
Let us first see the advantages and disadvantages of Price control V and S
Let us see what are the price controls recommended for different types of materials with ML active and with out ML active . Let us have a look into the table
Price Control and Price determination
When Material ledger is not active MVA is recommended for RM and Std price is recommended for FG and SFGs (as shown in the 4
th column)
When Material ledger is active Std price and Price determination 3 (ie Single/Multilevel Price determination ) is recommended for FGs , SFGs and RMs (as shown in the 2nd column)
It is interesting to see that when Material ledger is active it is recommended to set Std price even for RMs.
More interestingly system do not use Std Price for all periods even though we set std price in the material master.
In fact system uses Std price in the current period and MVA price in the closed periods. Let us have a look at the images .
Post Closing entries
Let us now no see how price control changes from Std to MVA at month end and back to Std price at the beginning of the next month . Have a look the following images and notice the posting dates . These two are the documents generated during ‘Post Closing ‘ flow step in CKMLCP .
From the posting dates and line items of the documents one can understand that 2
nd document is the reversal of the first document .
Change of Price control
Finally we can conclude that during the single level and multi level price determination actual cost (PUP) is calculated . During ‘Post Closing’ the system changes the price control to ‘V’ and uses PUP as the new MVA price. Price differences are posted to inventory accounts(posting date will be the last day of the period ).
And creates one more document which is a reversal of the inventory posting (Posting date will be 1
st day of the next period) and sets the price control back to ‘S’ . This is how Material ledger uses both Std price and MVA price but for different periods and combine the advantages .
Further advantage of Material ledger is that uniform average prices(of the period) are used to valuate all the consumptions in a period . This is possible with the functionality ‘ Revaluation of consumption ‘ .
Thanks for reading the blog