Selection Layout
Field(s) | Logic |
Purchase Order | From EKPO-EBELN |
Vendor | From EKKO-LIFNR |
Vendor Name | Pass Vendor from EKKO to LFA1 and get LFA1-NAME1 |
Supplier Subrange | From EKPO-LTSNR |
Supplier Subrange Description | Pass Vendor and Subrange to WYT1 and get WYT1-LTSBZ |
Purchasing Group | From EKKO-EKGRP |
Purchasing Group Name | Pass the purchasing group code to T024 and get T024 – EKNAM. |
Document Type | From EKKO-BSART |
Item No | EKPO-EBELP |
Item Category | EKPO-PSTYP |
Material | EKPO-MATNR |
Material Group | EKPO-MATKL |
Material Group Description | Pass material group to T023 and get T023- WGBEZ |
Plant | EKPO-WERKS |
Material Description | MARA-MAKTX |
PO Creation Date | EKKO-AEDAT |
PO Quantity | EKPO-MENGE |
Ordering Unit | EKPO-MEINS |
Conf. Control | EKPO-BSTAE |
Inbound Delivery | Pass PO number, item number, Confirm. Cat.: LA to EKES and get the inbound delivery number. If multiple found, then sort in descending order and get the latest one. |
PO History | Pass PO and item to EKBE and see entries found. If entry is there, then show the graph. Note: T-code: ME2N is prime example on how to show the graph. If developer can find, then we should leverage that. |
PO Item Delivery Date | Pass PO and item number to EKET and get EKET-EINDT |
Price Overwrite | Pass PO to Table: EKKO and get the Doc. Condition No. (EKKO- KNUMV). Pass Condition No. To table: PRCD_ELEMENTS with PO item number and Inactive condition (KINAK) as blank and see if we have PBXX. If yes then show PBXX else blank |
PO Net Price/Currency | EKPO-NETPR/EKKO-WAERS (for example $2800/USD) |
PO Price Unit/Ordering Price Unit | EKPO-PEINH/EKPO-BPRME (for example 100/EA) |
Current Period Validity Date (From - to) | Note: Within PB00 pricing team is loading price in tables: A017 and A018. If the A017 record then gets trigger else it will go to A018. ***************************************************** Logic: (Developer can explore functional module. I have tried using ME_GET_INFORECORD_CONDITIONS which works fine for PB00 and PB01) Pass Application - KAPPL = M, Condition Type - KSCHL = PB00, Vendor - LIFNR, Material - MATNR, Purchasing Org - EKORG, Plant - WERKS, Info Type - from PO line to Table: A017 and get the condition record number where Valid From < = System Date and Valid To > = System Date. Pass all the records to KONP, sort by ascending order and select 1st non-delete record. If no record is found then go to next. Pass Application - KAPPL = M, Condition Type - KSCHL = PB00, Vendor - LIFNR, Material - MATNR, Purchasing Org - EKORG, Plant - WERKS, Info Type - from PO line to Table : A018 and get the condition record number where Valid From < = System Date and Valid To > = System Date. Pass all the records to KONP, sort by ascending order and select 1st non-delete record. If no record found, then go to next. Also get A017-DATAB to A017-DATBI or A018-DATAB to A018-DATBI for valid record |
Current Period Price/Currency | For the valid condition record get the KONP-KBETR/KONP-KONWA (For example $284/USD) |
Current Period Price Unit/UoM | Also get the KONP-KPEIN/KONP-KMEIN (For example 100/LB) |
Scale Exist? (Flag Yes or No) | If KONP- KZBZG has value, then Scale Exist = Yes else No |
Apply Updated Cost | Checkbox |
Yes or No value for PO Price Vs. Next Period Price | Compare PO Net Price/Current, PO Price Unit/Ordering Price Unit with Next Period Price/Currency and Next Period Price Unit/UoM. If it's matching, then show Yes else No. |
Previous Period Validity Date (From - to) | Pass Application - KAPPL = M, Condition Type - KSCHL = PB00, Vendor - LIFNR, Material - MATNR, Purchasing Org - EKORG, Plant - WERKS, Info Type - from PO line to Table : A017 and get the condition record number where Valid From < System Date. Pass all the records to KONP, sort by descending order and select 1st non-delete record. If no record found then go to next. Pass Application - KAPPL = M, Condition Type - KSCHL = PB00, Vendor - LIFNR, Material - MATNR, Purchasing Org - EKORG, Plant - WERKS, Info Type -from PO line to Table: A018 and get the condition record number where Valid From < System Date. Pass all the records to KONP, sort by descending order and select 1st non-delete record. If no record found, then go to next. Also, get A017-DATAB to A017-DATBI or A018-DATAB to A018-DATBI for valid record |
Previous Period Price/Currency | For the valid condition record get the KONP-KBETR/KONP-KONWA (For example $284/USD) |
Previous Period Price Unit/UoM | Also get the KONP-KPEIN/KONP-KMEIN (For example 100/LB) |
Yes or No value for PO Price Vs. Previous Period Price | Compare PO Net Price/Current, PO Price Unit/Ordering Price Unit with Previous Period Price/Currency and Previous Period Price Unit/UoM. If it's matching, then Yes else No. |
Purchasing Info Record | Pass PO number and line item to EKPO and get the EKPO- INFNR. Show that as Hyperlink and when user clicks on it, it should call T-code:ME13 (Fiori tile: Display Purchasing Info Record). Pass the PIR Number, Purchase Organization and Plant to display the record. |
Status Log | Successful/Failed message |
Selection Screen
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