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Dear SAP Folks,

In this blog post, I will share all process related tables

All ready one of our SAP friends posted blog refer


Additonally refer below tables also....


MARA - Material Master: General data

MAKT - Material Master: Description

MARM - Material Master: Unit of Measure

MAPE - Material master: Export control file

MARC - Material master: Plant data

MARD - Material master: Storage location

MBEW - Material valuation

MLGN - Material Master: WM Inventory

MLGT - Material Master: WM Inventory type

MDIP - Material: MRP profiles (field contents)

MKOP - Consignment price segment (old versions of SAP)

EBEW - Valuation of sales order stock

QBEW - Valuation of project stock

MVER - Material Master: Consumption

DVER - Material Master: Consumption

MVKE - Material Master: Sales

MLAN - Material Master: Tax indicator

MAPR - Material Master: Forecast

MCH1 - Material Master: X Plant Batches

MCHA - Material Master: Batches

MCHB - Material Master: Batch Stock

MDMA - MRP Area data

DBVM - MRP Planning File Entry: MRP Area

MOFF - Outstanding Material Master Records (Maintenance status)

MARCH - Material Master C Segment: History

MARDH - Material Master Storage Location Segment: History

MBEWH - Material Valuation: History

MCHBH - Batch Stocks: History

MKOLH - Special Stocks from Vendor: History

MSCAH - Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History

MSKAH - Sales Order Stock: History

MSKUH - Special Stocks at Customer: History

MSLBH - Special Stocks at Vendor: History

MSPRH - Project Stock: History

MSSAH - Total Sales Order Stocks: History

MSSQH - Total Project Stocks: History


STKO – BOM Header Details

STPO – BOM Item Details

MAST –Material to BOM Link


LFA1 - Vendor Master: General data

LFB1 - Vendor Master: Company data

LFM1 - Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Purchasing organization)

LFM2 - Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Plant, Vendor sub-range)

WYT3 - Vendor Partner Functions

External Service Management

ASMD - Service Master: Basic Data

ASMDT - Service Short Texts

ESKL - Account assignment specification for service line

ESKL - Account assignment specification for service line

ESKN - Account assignment in service package

ESLH - Service package header data

ESLL - Lines in service package

ESSR - Service entry sheet header data

ESUC - External services management: Unplanned limits for contract item

ESUH - External services management: unplanned service limits header data

ESUP - External services management: unplanned limits for service packages

ESUS - External services management: Unplanned limits for service types

EBAN - Purchase requisition: items

EBKN - Purchase Requisition: account assignment

STXH - SAPScript Text Header

STXL - SAPScript Text Lines

EKKO - Purchasing document header

EKPO - Purchasing Document: Item

EKET - Purchasing Document: Delivery Schedules

MDBS - Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's)

EKKN - Account assignment in purchasing document

EORD - Purchasing Source List

EIPA - Order price history record

EKAB - Release documentation

EKBE - Purchasing document history

EKBZ - Purchasing document history: delivery costs

EKPB - "Material to be provided" item in purchasing document

EINA - Purchase Info Record: General

EINE - Purchasing info record: purchasing organization data

KONP - Condition Item

KONH - Condition Header

Inventory Management

ISEG - Physical inventory document items

MKPF - Material document: Header

MSEG - Material document: item

RKPF - Reservation: Header

RESB - Reservation: Item

Invoice Verification

BSIM - Secondary index: documents for material

MYMFT - FIFO results table

MYML - LIFO material layer

MYMLM - LIFO material layer (monthly)

MYMP - LIFO period stocks, single material

MYMP1 - Receipt data LIFO/FIFO valuation

MYPL - LIFO pool layer

MYPLM - LIFO pool layer (monthly)

RBCO - Document item, incoming invoice account assignment

RBDIFFKO - Invoice Verification: conditions

RBDIFFME - Invoice Verification: quantity differences

RBDRSEG - Invoice Verification batch: invoice document items

RBKP - Document header: incoming invoice

RBKPB - Invoice document header (batch invoice verification)

RBTX - Taxes:incoming invoice

RBVD - Invoice document: summarization data

RBVDMAT - Invoice Verification: summarization data, material

RBWT - Withholding tax:incoming invoice

RKWA - Consignment withdrawals

RSEG - Document item, incoming invoice

Customising and other master data 

T001 - Company Codes

T001W - Plants/branches

T001L - Storage Locations

T024E - Purchasing Organizations

T024W - Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant

MDLV - MRP Areas

MDLG - MRP Areas - Storage Locations

MDLW - MRP Areas - Plants

MDLL - MRP Areas - Subcontractor

T023 - Material Groups

T024 - Purchasing groups

T030 - Standard Accounts Table (Automatic Account Determination)

T156 - Movement Type

T156T - Movement Type: Text

T16FS - Release Strategies

T16FT - Descriptions of Release Strategies

T16FV - Release Prerequisites

T16FD - Description of Release Codes

T16FK - Release Statuses

T16FC - Release Codes

T161 - Purchasing Document Types

T052 - Terms of Payment & FM FI_TEXT_ZTERM for long text

AUSP - Release Procedure: Strategy values (cl20n, cl24n)

AGR_USERS - Assignment of roles to users

CDHDR & CDPOS - Change history of master data and documents

EDID4 - EDI information

TSTC - SAP Transaction Codes, lock/unlock: sm01, created: se93

TSTCT - Transaction codes TEXT

TSTCT - Transaction codes TEXT

NAST - Message status



I hope this is useful for all of our community members

I believe, It will be helpful and will provide sufficient information to the readers

Thanks For Reading. Please share your reviews & feedback…


Thanks & Regards

Venkatakrishnan Subramani
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