LSMW is a tool to convert legacy data to SAP data. Functional consultants also can use the LSMW tool to upload data in the SAP system. Here I am explaining upload initial stock to SAP from legacy data through the Standard batch/direct input method.
Enter Project, Subproject, and Object names click on create button. Project, Subproject, and Object maximum 10 characters.

After click on create button small popup window opens maintain the project, Subproject, Object descriptions and click on continue.

Click on execute button.

1 Maintain Object Attributes.
The system automatically selects Maintain objects attributes click on execute.

Note- Every step needs to click on the change button to change data or to add new data.
Select Standard batch/Direct batch radio button. Enter Object and Method as shown in the below picture and save come back.

2 Maintain Source Structures.
The system automatically selects Maintain source objects click on execute. Click on create. Enter source structure, description and click on continue. Save and come back.

3 Maintain Source Fields.
The system automatically selects Maintain source fields click on execute.

Keep courser on source structure and click on Table maintenance.

Here enter required fields like the below picture and save come back. Plant and storage location descriptions enter manually.

Save and come back once.

4 Maintain Structure Relations.
This transaction system automatically selects the next step after the successful completion of the previous step.
Maintain Structure Relations click on execute button.

Go to change mode here source structure automatically assigns to source relations click on save and come back.

5 Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules.
Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules click on execute.

In Menu, bar go to Extra and Auto field mapping.

Click on continue.

Here we are mapping fields which we maintained in the 3
rd step. 4 fields we maintained in the 3
rd step below the pop-up window repeats 4 times each time check and click on Accept Proposal.

Click on continue after successfully mapping fields.

Movement type maintains as a constant value. Keep courser on BWART and click on Rule.

Select the constant radio button click on continue.

Enter movement type 561 and click on continue.

Click on save come back.
6 Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines.
Skip this step.
7 Specify Files.
Template convert from excel to text delimited format.

Click on execute. Go to change mode keep courser on legacy data and click on Add entry.

Upload now.

Double click on Converted data enters the logical path and Logical file (if not created system creates automatically). Save and come back.
8 Assign Files.
The system assigns automatically, save and come back.
9 Read Data.
Execute this step twice system reads data and shows how many line items I am going to upload. come back twice.

10 Display Read Data.
Execute system shows upload data and can check data by double click on any line item system displays data. come back.

11 Convert Data.
Execute twice system shows number line items I am going to upload 0 Come back twice.

12 Display Converted Data.
Execute this step system shows converted data. We can cross-check data.

13 Create Batch Input Session.
This is the final step. Execute if required increase Max. a number of items and execute again. Keep courser on stock and click on process session.

Select line and click on process.

Select display errors only and click on process.

Video Tutorial-
Through LSMW direct input method we uploaded initial stocks. This extremely easy tool to upload legacy data to SAP. For the report we can check MB51 or in SE16N table name is MSEG. LSMW tips and tricks also explained. In the same way, we can also do other movement types. The system takes MB11 tcode by default and posting and document dates also take by default in-process foreground option we can change the date.