This Blog will make you understand about different inspection process in QM with EWM integration in S/4 HANA 1809
IM inspection types like 01,04,05,08 contain
“Control insLot” field whereas EWM inspection types like 1701, 1704, 1705, 1708 contain
“Insp. Lot Summary”, Where we can control inspection lot generation based on the selection. The Major difference between 04 and 1704 is missing of
Early Inspection lot creation for Order item option in 1704 inspection type.

Control Insp Lot for 04 inspection type

Insp. Lot Summary for 1704 Inspection type
Different Inspection process in QM with integration of EWM
We have three inspection process in QM with integration of EWM
1) Inspection after goods receipts
2) Presampling in Production
3) Acceptance sampling
Each inspection process requires their own inspection rule, which is additional master data kind of data which we must maintain through Transaction code:
/SCWM/QRSETUP. Inspection rule is warehouse specific. This inspection rule can be maintained for each material or we can we common inspection rule based on configuration settings in IOT settings.
Inspection after goods receipts:
This scenario will be used when the goods to be inspected after GR. We should create inspection rule with the combination of (0) inspection after goods receipts, Document type, Item type and inspection type like 1701, 1704 & 1708 etc based on business process where GR will happen through Inbound delivery

Presampling in Production:
As like inspection type 04, we don’t have early inspection lot option in 1704 inspection lot summary settings. We can use this presampling concept when we need to generate the early inspection lot for the production order. We should create inspection rule with the combination of (2) Presampling in Production and inspection type

Acceptance sampling:
This scenario will be used when the goods to be inspected before GR. Inspection lot will be triggered after inbound delivery creation and then results record , usage decision must be carried out before GR otherwise system will not allow the GR. We should create inspection rule with the combination of (1) Acceptance sampling, Document type, Item type and inspection type based on business process
The conclusion of this document is based on business process, we can perform the inspection process by creating the inspection rule as discussed above.