Applies to:
Client moving from SAP ECC to S/4 HANA 1709 or 1809 and implementing MRP live. S/4 HANA Conversion project.
During the S/4 HANA Conversion projects, MRP live is an optional choice that client can make. This blog covers the steps to implement MRP live in S/4 HANA system. This blog covers the settings required and issues identified during MRP Live process.
- In case if the client wants to stay with classic MRP method – After migration from ECC to S/4 HANA 1709/1809, no need to take any action apart from production version creation. You can still use tcodes MD01, MD02 etc. without making any additional settings.
- In case if the client wants to go with new MRP Live method –
In MRP live there are changes in many aspects of technical settings.
New transaction code for MRP Live is MD01N
The vital feature of this tcode is it minimizes the volume of the data that has to be copied from database server to application server and back, which considerably improves the performance.
One material can be planned across multiple plants. This helps in the case of Stock transfer from one plant another plant. Stock transfer requirements can be known in supplying plant without planning in receiving the plant.
MRP List was the feature of classic MRP. It gives the demand and supply situation at the time of the last MRP run. MRP Live gives stock requirement list at a high speed in real time. Material issues can be determined quickly.
Production version mandatory for S/4 HANA
In classic ECC system – logic was looking at BOM validity and in the S/4 system, it is looking for BOM with valid production versions. Therefore it is mandatory to maintain a production version in S/4 HANA (Even if it is externally procured material).
Materials for which production version is not available then it can be mass created using
Program - CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION02. Execute this program after S/4 HANA migration.
Note – There is an old program CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION available. But this program is decommissioned due to errors. Don’t use this program.
Planning file issue in MD01N
Planning file database table is changed in S/4 HANA. The reason being simplified logic, consistency, and performance.
In classic ECC the tables MDVM/MDVL and DBVM/DBVL no longer exist. If the custom code is inserting the values in these tables then changes are required in the custom code. These tables have been replaced with new table PPH_DBVM.
After S/4 HANA migration table entries from MDVM/MDVL and DBVM/DBVL needs to be moved to PPH_DBVM.
Program PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS – To make planning file entry in table PPH_DBVM. Run it once in each system after S/4 HANA migration.
Program PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS_SIMU – This program is for Long term planning.
Problems that you may see in MRP Live
MRP Live run create too many duplicate purchase requisitions – This is a program error and can be fixed using SAP note 2691067 - MRP Live creates too many purchase requisitions for MTO scenario.
BOM Not exploding in S/4 HANA – In case of subcontracting materials this problem occurs. In S/4 HANA production version is mandatory and if it is missing for the material then this problem sure to maintain production version with valid from and valid to date. If valid to date is missing then also BOM is not getting exploded.
Important SAP notes
2691067 - MRP Live creates too many purchase requisitions for MTO scenario
2529662 - CS_BOM_PRODVER_MIGRATION Decommissioned
2268088 - S4TWL - Planning File