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 #region For Alert Management - Variable Declarations
public static SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService oCmpSrv;
public static MessagesService oMessageService;
public SAPbobsCOM.Message oMessage = null;
public SAPbobsCOM.Messages oMessages = null;
MessageDataColumns pMessageDataColumns = null;
MessageDataColumn pMessageDataColumn = null;
MessageDataLines oLines = null;
MessageDataLine oLine = null;
RecipientCollection oRecipientCollection = null;

// Write a Code On Item Event Or any Suitable Trigger
if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK)
if (pVal.ItemUID == "16")

oCmpSrv = Mahi_Company.GetCompanyService();
oMessageService = (SAPbobsCOM.MessagesService)oCmpSrv.GetBusinessService(ServiceTypes.MessagesService);
oMessage = (SAPbobsCOM.Message)oMessageService.GetDataInterface(MessagesServiceDataInterfaces.msdiMessage);
oMessages = Mahi_Company.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oMessages);
string alert = "Select distinct " + '"' + "DocEntry" + '"' + "";
alert += " , " + '"' + "DocNum" + '"' + "";
alert += " , " + '"' + "CardCode" + '"' + "";
alert += " , " + '"' + "CardName" + '"' + "";
alert += " from " + '"' + "ORDR" + '"';
alert += " where " + '"' + "DocEntry" + '"' + " = 4 ";
oRs = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)(Main.Mahi_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset));

oMessage.User = 1; // Manager - User ID
oMessage.Subject = "Back to BD";
oMessage.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + "Please Check Sales Orders";

SAPbobsCOM.RecipientCollection RecipientCollection = oMessage.RecipientCollection;
RecipientCollection.Item(0).SendInternal = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
RecipientCollection.Item(0).SendEmail = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
RecipientCollection.Item(0).UserCode = "manager";

SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataColumns MessageDataColumns = null;
SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataColumn MessageDataColumn = null;
MessageDataColumns = oMessage.MessageDataColumns;

MessageDataColumn = MessageDataColumns.Add();
MessageDataColumn.ColumnName = "Sales Order";
MessageDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
oLine = MessageDataColumn.MessageDataLines.Add();
oLine.Value = oRs.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value.ToString();// "DocEntry";
oLine.Object = "17";
oLine.ObjectKey = oRs.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value.ToString();// "17";

MessageDataColumn = MessageDataColumns.Add();
MessageDataColumn.ColumnName = "BP";// "DocEntry";
MessageDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
oLine = MessageDataColumn.MessageDataLines.Add();
oLine.Value = oRs.Fields.Item("CardCode").Value.ToString(); //"CardCode";
oLine.Object = "2";
oLine.ObjectKey = oRs.Fields.Item("CardCode").Value.ToString(); //"CE00001";


Alert Message will be like this -

Labels in this area