Requirement details: To call customized (Non SAP Standard) message in program with documentation.
Instead of writing hard coded message in program it is very use full to make customized message class and maintain the message in it, so it will allow maintaining documentation for messages and user can take an action just by checking the documentation of same.
In this document we can see below mention points
- How to create customized message class
- How to maintain customized message
- How to maintain documentation for customized message
- How to call transaction in customized message documentation
- How to call customization setting in message documentation
How to create customized message class
Create Customized message class and maintain messages
Enter Transaction code: SE91
Enter Message class name started with ‘Z’ like ‘ZME’
Click on create button

Maintain short text for message class

Save Message class
It will show popup window maintain your package name or save it in local object
How to maintain customized message
To create a message click on change button and on Message Tab

Type the message short text which you want message.
How to maintain documentation for customized message
And remove the self-explanatory tick to maintain the documentation for message
Select message line and click on Long Text (Ctrl+F7)

System will ask you to save the message: click on Yes
Now here you can able to maintain the Cause (Diagnosis) / System Response / what to do (Procedure) / System admin notes (Procedure for System Administration).
Whatever we maintain here will show in message documentation.

Now call this massage in your program code
Check this message
To check the message long text click on icon which is shown after message

How to call transaction in customized message documentation
Now we can also call the transaction in this message itself so that user can process the same and maintain respective data without opening new screen and transaction.
To maintain the same goto message change mode in same long text and click on insert command icon (Ctrl + F9)
Select link radio button
Mention character format which is available or created by ABAPER
In Key field maintain TRAN.Transaction code (i.e. TRAN.MM01) and Text as ‘Process Material Master’
And check the massage long text

Click on Process Material Master it will call transaction MM01 and user can able to maintain material master and by just click on back (F3) you can return to your message and to original screen subsequently.
How to call customization setting in message documentation
For example we want to call storage location customization follow below procedure
Goto message change mode and in long text maintenance
Click on insert command (Ctrl + F9)
Select Link radio button
Mention character format
In field Key mention
In this CFMENUSAPCOX09 is a technical path/name for customization, it will be different for each customization setting
To check this goto SPRO IMG and to specific customization setting
Click on Additional information – Display Key – IMG Activity
This will activate one raw immediate right to customization setting path and you will get technical name for same.

Now check the message long text which has documentation, transaction call for material master maintenance and customization setting call to maintain storage location.

Click on Maintain Storage Location for configuration of storage location