Objective: The main objective of this post is to know how to find replaced SAP S4 Hana transaction codes against ECC obsolete transaction codes.
The below steps are followed to find replaced S4 Hana transaction codes.
Logon SAP GUI launch pad.
SAP Easy Access
Enter SE16N Transaction code

1. Table field: Enter
PRGN_CORR2 (Correction Table for Modif. Transaction Codes in Area Menus)
2. SAP Release field : Enter
3. Click on Execute

1. Transaction code: Old Transaction Code
2. Transaction code: Replaced Transaction code

1. Select old transaction code
2. Then select the filter icon
3. Select multiple option on filter screen

1. Enter ECC obsolete transaction code
2. Click on Execute icon to continue

1. After display the transactions
2. click on continue icon

See the replaced SAP S4 Hana transaction codes against ECC obsolete transaction codes.

I hope the above information is helpful to find replaced SAP S4 Hana transaction codes.
Need your valuable comment and feedback about this post.
Senthilkumar T