This Blog is for anyone and everyone who does not know all the different SAP Table flow and you have a Value and the Field Description.This will help you to find all the hidden tables that the particular data is stored that may be useful for you later. Now how to do this.
You All can check the other blogs which will be useful
Go to Transaction Code SE16T or SE16SL or SE38--> RK_SE16SL

Now I will Search for Vendor A000005004 and Execute

Magic Done It fetches every Table field that has vendor with value A000005004 . Based on this we know this vendor has activity for
- Purchasing
- Invoice
- Purchase Info Record
- Batches
- Inventory
Now we will check the much Celebrated ACDOCA Table

We will also check the HALL of FAME BSEG table also

This Blog is only available for SAP Version which has Transaction Code SE16T or program name RK_SE16SL
Below is the Video Version