Hello SAPers!
When you implement custom functionalities via BTE for automatic payment program e.g. event 00001820 “Payment program: item selection”, you might need to debug the execution of FMs for troubleshooting purposes. The problem is that these FMs are executed in background mode and session breakpoints that you set are not triggered during runtime. That was the trouble I had when I was preparing material for my
previous post on APP. Here is a small trick on how to trigger debugging session in online mode.
In F110 prepare parameters for payment proposal:
In SE37 set breakpoint in your custom FM:
Go to SE38, indicate program name SAPF110S, then navigate to include F110MAIN. Put another session breakpoint on line 39:
Execute program SAPF110S. Indicate proposal run ID / date and mark it as “Proposal run” in field PARXVORL. Run the program.
Once debug session will be triggered, adjust the value of variable XDEBUG to “X” and continue with execution of program. Please note important prerequisite, your developer account should have enough authorization to adjust the values in debug mode.
Execution of the program will stop again in your custom FM and you'll be able to review its execution.
I hope that this post was interesting and you found something of value:) Your suggestions and comments are welcome!
Bohdan Petrushchak