Business Requirement
More frequently , we come across with this Business Requirement, during the Goods Receipt from Production, let the system should consider the Current Date as the Manufacturing Date, by default for the Production/Process Order (Automatically/ By Default), exclusively for the Batch Managed Materials.
Current Process
During the Goods Receipt from the Production either through the Production Order/Process Order, GR will be posted after the Confirmation of the Order
During the GR posting, System will check the Manufacturing date entry, if the Material is Batch managed (in general) & will prompt, to enter the Manufacturing date manually.
Once the Manufacturing date is entered manually, system will calculates the SLED date based on the Master data maintained in the Material Master.
SLED Date = Manufacturing Date + Total Shelf Life Period.
To fulfil above Business requirement, below are the Proces steps to be followed.
BADI to be used
Go to T Code: SE18, to Identify the Object
Now, go to T Code: SE24
Enter the Object Type: ZCL_IM_MB_MIGO_BADI_ITEL
In the next screen, click on >>>IF_EX_MB_MIGO_BADI~LINE_MODIFY
Double click on the Method, to get the complete Logic
Here is the Complete Logic, how this Enhancement works
Currently this Logic holds good for Good Receipt against the Production Orders & Process Orders
Test case (Ex: GR for the Process Order)
System: 1809
Master Data
Plant: 2100
Material: DRUG (FG Material & Batch Managed Material)
Take a look for the existing Process Order, T Code: MD04 (Ex: Order # 000001000160, in Plant: 2100)
Perform GR for the above Process Order# 000001000160, using the T Code: MIGO
Click on Check & then Post
Successfully posted the GR Document, for the Batch Managed material, with the
current Date as the Date of Manufacture updated by the System automatically.
- Business need not to enter the Date of Manufacturing, during the GR from the Production.
- System will calculate the SLED Date, based on the Manufacturing date
- No manual error, in the entry of the Manufacturing date
- This Manufacturing Date is Default value, so still possible to make any changes if required, by the Business.
Looking forward for your comments/feedback/inputs to make it more useful.
Thanks & Regards : Raja Sekhara Reddy Bannuru