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Bank Fee analysis is one of the tedious tasks in the treasury, a correct analysis can save the company even millions of dollars off the annual cost of bank services.

SAP has introduced comprehensive functionalities in Bank fee management under Bank account management from SAP S4 HANA 1809 which in turn helps the cash manager to analyze the bank fee in detail.

The bank usually deducts the bank fees of respective transactions and will deduct in the quarterly or half-yearly statement, before charging it finally, it will send a file to the company to analyze the bank fee.

This new bank fees management Analytical app also helps the Cash Manager to compare the bank fees charged by different banks and negotiate with the bank accordingly.

Cash Management specialists and Cash managers play an important role in Bank Fee Analysis.

Bank Fees analyze Process Overview

The first step is the cash Management specialist log in to the Fiori app to import the XML bank fee file received from a bank through theImport Bank Services Billing Filesapp.

The main pre-requisite is bank fee file received from a bank should be in XML format if it's not we have to convert this file into XML format

Import Bank Services Billing Files app – Import the file from desktop

The second step is Cash Manager will the maintain the bank fee conditions i.e. the unit charges which to be charged by the bank for respective transactions like overdraft charges, bank commission, etc through ‘Manage Bank Fee Condition’ App

The third step is the cash management specialist analyze and validate the bank fees by assigning the condition created in step 2

In this step cash management specialist able to view the line items from bank fee file uploaded and assign the condition created for respective bank fee transaction to validate as shown below through Fiori app “Monitor Bank Fees”

Click on one of the line item and assign the condition

After the above conditions’ assignment, if there is an error in the line item bank management specialist can overwrite this error if he satisfied with the charges charged by the bank. Please refer the below print shot:

Print shot after overwriting the error item: -


The fourth step is cash management specialist can compare the bank fee statement uploaded from a different bank through ‘Monitor Bank Fees’ app and negotiate the bank fee with the respective bank

The above analytical report can be viewed with two different views, i.e as per the above image in the top as a pie chart and in below as bar chart. This helps the manager to analyze in detail bank charges charged by the same bank on the different quarter or with the bank fee statement of the other banks.



This article on the Bank Fee Management provided an overview of the analysis of Bank charges deducted by the bank and helps the company to save even millions of dollars off the annual cost of bank services.

Thanks to SAP PRESS blog for already sharing the below content in their blog post https://blog.sap-press.com/how-to-analyze-bank-fees-in-sap-s4hana:

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