HI All,
This Blog is to make aware of the Flexible specification selection functionality that is available in SAP QM. Flexible specification are used when the inspections are not planned in advance example of it can be Processing Complaint, processing Service Issues.Stability studies, and during Rework Processing To implement this Flexible specification we have to implement a BADI.
Flexible Specification Selection at Lot creation works for the Following Cases.
1 .Inspection Lot creation.
2 . if the samples are not calculated for the inspection lot.
3. if the sample calculation has been reset for the inspection Lot.
The Following Specification can be Changed at the Lot creation.
1.Operation Short Text
2.Sampling Procedure,
3.Control indicator to decide whether this characteristics is required or optional
4.MIC Specification ( Target value, Decimal Places, specification limits like upper limit, lower etc)
5.Inspection method.
6.Selected sets.
7. Short text and info field for characteristics.
You an navigate to path QM > Environment > Tools > BADI's > Quality inspection >Badi for Flexible inspection selection.
Note - As per the Standard the Flexible specification is only for Lot origin 89 and 16. To use it for other origin you need to create a Z implementation and mention the Lot origin in the Filter values of the BADI
For demonstration, A z implementation has been created for Lot origin 01 and when a GR for the PO is done, the system will throw pop-up for specification Selection.
Sample Code
Create a Z implementation.
Create Filter Values.
Add the Below code in the method shown
Flexible Selection of inspection specification during GR of Purchase order.
I hope this Blog helps to All QM consultants