This document aims to provide detailed step by step implementing fast entry of characteristics in Order Confirmation. This document encompasses screenshots of the steps to be followed.
Characteristics value assignment of a batch class in production process is essentially important for a product where the product holds a batch specification.
Using fast entry of characteristics, User can enter goods receipt data along with value assignments for up to ten characteristics. This greatly reduces entry effort for materials with less characteristics and for preconfigured materials.
Business Benefits
- Reduces Data Maintenance activities
- Saves time and effort during data entry
- Integrated with goods movement, so as to call the confirmation along with goods movement and batch classification
- Characteristics values are independent of any restriction and can be changed any time as needed.
Pre- requisites
To enable the fast entry of characteristics below elements are required.
- Material should be batch Managed
- Material should have a valid batch class (023 type) assigned to it
- The characteristics assigned to the batch class should be on Released status.
- Auto GR should be enabled for the materials to be appeared in the Goods Movement screen during the confirmation process.
Apart from the above-mentioned points below configuration is required to enable the process.
- Define a characteristic display at good receipt
SPRO->IMG->Production->Shop Floor Control->Operations->Confirmation->Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Confirmation->Define Application Group for Characteristic Display
Create a characteristics display-description and Application group as shown below. now select the line and click on the characteristics assignments.
In the next screen enter the Characteristics, its sequence and Column length as shown below.
(The characteristics will appear in the same sequence during the confirmation process)
- Assign an application group that includes the Order confirmation transaction (CO11N) to this characteristic display using below path.
SPRO->IMG->Production->Shop Floor Control->Operations->Confirmation->Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Confirmation->Define Characteristic Display for Overview Screen
Process Description
Note : Fast entry is supported up to 10 characteristics.
Once the production order is created, verify the component details (including the coproduct)
Production order released
Carryout the confirmation process in CO11N and enter the required details. After that click on the goods movements tab to view the goods movement details in the next screen details.
As you can see in the below screenshot a new option is enabled
(Char. Display) in the Goods Movement Screen.
As soon as you select the required Char. Display from the dropdown menu , new screen fields will appear to capture the characteristics value.
Hence it’s not required to go to the characterizes screen separately to maintain the values. After maintaining the values you can save the confirmation.
Once the confirmation is saved, you can verify the batch characteristics details using the transaction MSC3N.
The Fast entry of characteristics makes the characteristics value recording more convenient, where user can record the characteristics value for multiple material/batch combination including the co-products. however, this feature is limited to 10 characteristics only and is recommended for materials having less number of characteristics.