Situation handling is used to track, detect and inform critical issues in your business that needs end user attention.
Situation handling provides a notification to business user on the critical issues. In addition to that it also provides the below
- Any actions to be performed to close the situation
- Navigation to certain apps to perform the Action
The below are some of the use cases for using the situations :
- Deadline dates of any business activity
- If there are any thresholds that are exceeding

Situation handling for Dispute Processing
Business value of Dispute Processing template :
Accounts receivables accountants and managers can be informed automatically of certain information related to the dispute cases that appear on their worklist in the
Manage Dispute Cases app. For example:
- Processing deadline has been reached.
- Planned close date has been reached.
- Escalation is required.
Set up of Situation Handling for Dispute Processing :
- Open the application "Manage Situation Types" and look for the standard template and click on copy. By Default SAP provided a template with some default conditions .

- Next provide the correct description and custom Z name as shown below :

We can now see different processing of the situation handling in which sequence and which scenario the notification should be sent out to :
- On the right hand side we can see all the available filters for this situation scenario .
- Major challenges in most of the implementations would How to find and extend the add custom filters for a particular situation scenario :
- Using the below CDS view C_SitnDefinitionTP we can find the CDS views to a particular situation type as shown below

Now to add additional filters as per the requirements we can extend the CDS views for the template and add the additional filters as shown below

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'ZDISPTMP'
@EndUserText.label: 'Dispute Situation Template'
extend view C_DisputeCaseSituationTemplate with ZDisputeTemplateExt1 {

Extended Filters
- Now set the filter criteria as shown below :

- Setup the batch background job processing as shown below

Users can be notified by anyone of the below ways :
Set up can done as shown below - Transaction /IWNGW/VNPUSHP

and in the launchpad settings of the me area enable the email for your Situation type :

The below are the different possibilities to maintain the templates for the In app display, Launchpad notification and Email notification :
- Note that the extended field Contact person is used as a variable here .
- Additionally we can provide the URL to make the navigation and by default the fiori launchpad link is provided .
- Resending the notification is also possible using the checkbox shown below

“Manage Teams and Responsibilities” Fiori app used to define the receivers who will get notification

Team will be enabled for Dispute situation type as shown below :

On save the below popup will come up to enable the situation type .

To Test your enabled Situation type use the button Trigger Now on the top right corner :

Now there will be total of three notifications you will be receiving as shown below
Fiori Launch Pad notification :
- FLP Notification will appear which will navigate to the Manage Dispute cases application on click of it as shown below

New Icon will appear as shown below beside each dispute number .

In the details page a new In App Notification will appear as below

The situation can be manually closed using the close situation button as shown :

Similarly the email notifications also will be sent

This way we can avoid multiple SAP reports with background jobs for email sending and also reminders and with less coding we could achieve required functionality .