Introduction: Navigation to reprocess the error for Inbound interface message coming into S/4 HANA thru AIF.
Details: Before S/4HANA , we were using Idocs (T code BD87) as a tool for reprocessing the errors for the incoming interfaces in SAP ECC.
With new S/4HANA, we have new methods to process these errors for inbound interfaces.
As you guys aware that with S/4HANA, we will be using AIF - Application interface Framework for Monitoring and the error handling for inbound interfaces and its similar way we used to leverage WE02/WE05 for idoc monitoring. T code:/aif/err. We still will be using WE02/WE05 also in S/4HANA as well and its not retired yet.
AIF may be solution for numerous challenges for interfacing the data from other Legacy systems to SAP S/4HANA. SAP AIF is an add on that you can install in any SAP application system. In S/HANA its much easier because its already one of the standard components.
In the error handing t code /aif/err, you can monitor all SAP application interface framework messages. In this pace, all the messages for all different interfaces with their status appear. Each message belongs to a specific interface or name space. In the transaction /aif/err you can see the details of what is wrong with the message, you can customize the view in order to make error handling an easier task. The screen is divided into following sections
- Application section
- Application specific selection
- Generic selection
- Status selection
- Additional parameters
Step 1 : In the first screen of the transaction, you can see the fields and buttons shown in figure 1
Fig 1
Step 2:After executing the report for a particular Interface name space and date and we are looking for errors only, we get following output as shown in fig 2.
Fig 2
Step 3: By looking at the error, we understood its Master data issue (Unit of measure BG is not maintained in s/4 for that SKU) and we need to discuss with Business/IT teams for resolving it. Assuming the issue is fixed in S/4HANA and now we can reprocess the message as per fig 3. We need to select the error message,
Fig 3
Step 4: And click on Restart button from the Top menu bar and click on Yes from the pop up..fig 4
Fig 4
Step 5 : Now you could see, the error is reprocessed and document is created, in this case PO is created based on the inbound interface.
Fig 5
Conclusion : I assume above screen prints and navigation would help consultants to reprocess errors from /aif/err in S/4HANA.