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Author: Janagar Sundaramoorthy.

Document name: Enhancing ENCO Workbench

ENCO : Print /Communication workbench for foreign trade documents

This document is all about how to make the field editable in foreign trade document (More like an Adobe form).

How to Enhance ENCO work bench to make additional or custom fields editable:

a)      Identify the foreign trade output type.

b)      Go to SPRO - > Sales and Distribution->Foreign trade /Customs->Printing/Communication            - >Control foreign trade documents - >Form data control.

Note: To make your own structure as a communication structure the basic necessity would be the below one

  1. Ie., The script should have the following window with the text element as high lighted below.

And it should have the structure name listed in the second line of window and once you assign this form to the above SPRO path, automatically the system will pick your structure as communication structure.

In the above comment if we replace the Structure with your own structure then system will identify your structure as communication structure when do the config in the below place.ie., in Form data control (Refer to the SPRO path which I mentioned above.

  1. P.S: don’t forget to put check in Form field changeable.

So when your custom form has the above mentioned text element and beneath that the structure mentioned as comment system will pick that as communication structure after pressing enter in the above screen as shown below.

The characteristic is the one which you need to map the field to it (if it has to be changed).

Next step would be assigning the characteristic with field from your communication structure.

When you do F4 in that it will list the fields in the communication structure.

Now our program is ready to pick and change the custom fields.

Here is one custom field which we have added.

Note: when you want to change a particular field you need to use the same field in the layout of the script as well.

One example is given below.

The above one is the characteristic which we have created.

ENCO screen shot for FUSD output type.

Click on form data- now we have the most expected output.

The field displayed on the form will be changed as follows.

Enter the necessary value here and click on the refresh button in the left docking container.

Now the changed value will be appearing on the form as well.

Now it is for Technical consultant:

Can we link our standard text variables changeable?

Answer would be yes: But the variables in the standard text should be pointing to our communication structure.

Below is the example:

Call this standard text /Or if it is maintained at document level call that

Pick the values from the Program as highlighted below, it will have the run time values which are getting changed.

Now call READ_TEXT and after that getting the run time value as described above and pass that your field mentioned in Standard text /Document text.


It is replace it dynamically and now call your Standard text in the form where ever necessary.

  1. Happy learning
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