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In certain cases, you need to disable text ids of the Sales order item in VA02 under the Texts tab to restrict the user from deleting, changing, or creating texts.

This can be complex based on your approach. So, for the easy solution, I am writing this blog post.

This solution is to convert the type( V -> A ) of the transaction in the include: MV45AF0C_CUA_SETZEN by doing an explicit enhancement.

Table T180 contains the type of transaction codes. Please check the screenshot below for reference.


To solve the issue, please follow the below steps.

  1. Go to SE38 and open the include: MV45AF0C_CUA_SETZEN.

  2. Go to the enhancement point: enhancement-point cua_setzen_10 spots es_sapmv45a & create an explicit enhancement. Here, I am blocking 2 standard Text Ids: TX02(Sales Note for Customer) & TX05(Billing Instruction).

  3. Insert the below block of code & manipulate it based on your need.
    * Local Constants
    DATA(lc_screen_4152) = '4152'.
    DATA(lc_tcode_va02) = 'VA02'.
    DATA(lc_v) = 'V'. "Edit

    * Checking of the TCODE
    IF sy-tcode = lc_tcode_va02.
    * Checking Screen for limiting the number of executions of the below code
    IF taxi_body_subscreen = lc_screen_4152.

    TYPES lty_textid_type TYPE RANGE OF char4.
    DATA : lr_textids TYPE lty_textid_type,
    lv_temp TYPE int8.

    lr_textids = VALUE lty_textid_type(
    LET s = 'I'
    o = 'EQ'
    IN sign = s
    option = o
    ( low = 'TX02' ) "Sales Note for Customer
    ( low = 'TX05' ) "Billing Instruction

    * Local Constants
    DATA(lc_vbbp) = 'VBBP'. "Sales Item Texts
    DATA(lc_item) = 'ITEM'.
    DATA(lc_a) = 'A'.
    DATA(lc_0) = '0'.
    DATA(lc_1) = '1'.
    DATA(lc_pos_add) = 'POS+'. "Sideways movement: Right
    DATA(lc_pos_sub) = 'POS-'. "Sideways movement: Left

    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <lfs_tdid> TYPE any,
    <lfs_vbeln> TYPE any,
    <lfs_posnr> TYPE any,
    <lfs_tdlinetab> TYPE ANY TABLE,
    <lfs_xthead> TYPE ANY TABLE.

    * Fetching of the values from different places
    * Text Type ID
    ASSIGN ('(SAPLV70T)LV70T-TDID') TO <lfs_tdid>.
    * Sales and Distribution Document Number
    ASSIGN ('(SAPMV45A)XVBAP-VBELN') TO <lfs_vbeln>.
    * Item number of the SD document
    ASSIGN ('(SAPMV45A)XVBAP-POSNR') TO <lfs_posnr>.
    * TDLINE table
    ASSIGN ('(SAPLV70T)TLINETAB[]') TO <lfs_tdlinetab>.
    * XTHEAD: Contains the Text Ids
    ASSIGN ('(SAPMV45A)XTHEAD[]') TO <lfs_xthead>.

    * Corner Cases:
    * If the previous/next button is pressed of the last/first item
    DATA(lv_tabix) = VALUE i( ivbap[ posnr = <lfs_posnr> ]-tabix OPTIONAL ).
    IF lv_tabix IS NOT INITIAL.
    IF sy-ucomm = lc_pos_add.
    ADD 1 TO lv_tabix.
    ELSEIF sy-ucomm = lc_pos_sub.
    SUBTRACT 1 FROM lv_tabix.

    * For entering 2nd time the same screen(Item Detail)
    IF <lfs_tdid> IS NOT ASSIGNED OR <lfs_tdid> = space
    * For sideways movements of items
    OR ( ( sy-ucomm = lc_pos_add OR sy-ucomm = lc_pos_sub )
    * Restricting the first/last item to change its existing text id
    AND ( lv_tabix GE lc_1 AND lv_tabix LE lines( ivbap ) ) ).
    * Assigning the first text id available
    ASSIGN xthead[ 1 ]-tdid TO <lfs_tdid>.

    * For entering 2nd time the same screen(Item Detail)
    IF sy-ucomm = lc_item AND <lfs_tdid> IN lr_textids.
    * Assigning the first text id available
    <lfs_tdid> = VALUE char4( xthead[ 1 ]-tdid OPTIONAL ).

    IF <lfs_tdid> IS ASSIGNED AND <lfs_tdid> IN lr_textids.
    * Changing the screen to display mode
    t180-trtyp = lc_a. "Display
    lv_temp = <lfs_vbeln> && <lfs_posnr>.
    * Screen Refresh: If the text id does not have text maintained
    FROM stxh "STXD SAPscript text file header
    INTO lv_temp
    WHERE tdobject = lc_vbbp AND
    tdname = lv_temp AND
    tdid = <lfs_tdid>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lv_temp = lc_0.
    CLEAR <lfs_tdlinetab>.
    * For not displaying in case of sideways movements
    IF sy-ucomm NE lc_pos_sub AND sy-ucomm NE lc_pos_add.
    * Message: The text id is disabled
    * Change mode
    t180-trtyp = lc_v. "Change

    CLEAR : lv_temp,
    * Change mode
    t180-trtyp = lc_v. "Change

  4. Output

That’s it. 🙂

For populating the range tables in other ways, please check this link for further details.
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