This is a continuation of my previous blog related to E-mail template concept and usage in S/4 HANA. If you haven't checked that, please refer :
In this article, I will provide the steps how we can maintain the translation of an email template.
When we create an email template in default language EN and try to maintain the translations in German language from "copy" function, system would generate new entry in German language but the content of email would remain in English. This would be only available in disable mode so we can't change the email content ( plain / HTML texts ).
Please find below the highlighted sections:
So we can see that even if email template is opened in change mode, HTML text editor is in display mode only and since I copied it from original English language, It's showing the original content.
When I saw SAP standard email templates, I could find the translations maintained in different languages.
Email template in Japanese Language
So definitely, there would be some process to maintain these translations.
How to maintain the translations?
In SAP world, the answer of above question is simple :
Yes..I tried to find a way or correct objects in SE63 to translate email templates and following are the steps :
Step 1. Go to T-Code SE63 and select "Other Texts":
Initial screen : Translation Editor
Step 2. Expand User Interface Texts ( A5 ) and select SMTG (Output Management Email Templates )
Select SMTG : Output Management Email templates
Step 3. Select Email template ID and target language which needs to be translated:
Step 4. When we select edit option, system would give a blank editor to maintain in German language.So we can maintain the German translation
We can use the copy source option and just maintain the German translations from English content. Rest of the HTML content can remain same. Once translation is maintained and is activated, we can see the status "Translated" :
Now if go to email template and check the preview option, we would see translations in German available for use.
So now, in the calling application, if customer's correspondence language is German, the translated email content would be picked up and processed as final email.
Note: I am still investigating the option to translate the E-Mail subject in Email templates. Once I find anything , I will update this section.
Translation of Email subject:
One of the community members have explored how we can handle the translations of subject line . Thanks
When we are done with above steps to maintain the translation in Target language, we can find out for an auto-generated tag in the content as follow:
In HTML Tag <pre data-subject= "true">
Enter Translated Subject content</pre>, We can maintain the translations.