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Down payment is a process of receiving amount i.e. down payment, before actual handing over the goods to end customer.

Using below configuration we can achieve down payment scenario without billing plan.

A.SD Configuration settings for down payment processing

1.Pricing Condition Type: (Transaction code: V/06)

Condition Type: AZWA, will help to create the down payments need to receive from end customer.

Here we use Condition class: A (Discount or surcharge) and Calculation Type:B

Condition Type: AZWB, for billing and it is for down payment demand/settlement.       

Here we use Condition Class: A (Discount or surcharge) ,Calculation Type: G (Formula) and Condition Category: e (Down payment request/down payment clear)

2. Pricing Procedure: (Transaction code: V/08)

Above Condition Type i.e. AZWA and AZWB are need to be updated in Pricing procedure.

  • In pricing procedure use AZWA, this will help to create the down payments need to receive.

Here use Requirement type:2, Base formula:48 and Alt. Calculation formula:49

  • In pricing procedure using AZWB for billing. AZWB is used for down payment demand/settlement.

Here use Requirement type:2 and Alt. calculation formula 49

3. Copy Control:

Standard copy control needs to be defined in system to create further document.

  • Order (OR) to Devilry (LF) (Transaction code: VTLA)

  • Delivery (LF) to Invoice (F2) (Transaction code: VTFL)

B.Financial (FI) Configuration settings for down payment processing

1.Configure reconciliation account (Transaction code: OBXR)

We need to assign the field status for the G/L accounts >>Down Payments Received and Down Payments Requested.

2. Set Accounting Configuration (Transaction code: OBXB)

Here we configure the posting key for the down payments (ANZ) and the output tax billing (MVA).

3.Configure posting key (Transaction code: OB41)

Need to set sales order as optional entry for the posting key 19.

4.Set field status area (Transaction code: OB14)

Need to set sales order as optional entry for field status variant 0001, field status group.

5.Assign field status variants to company code (Transaction code: OBC5)


C.End to end high level process flow for down payment

Step:1 Create Sales Order (Transaction Code: VA01)

Create sales order and mention the amount (Example:10 GBP) you want to request for down payment using condition type: AWZA

Step:2 Create down payment Request (Transaction Code: F-37)           

Step:3 Create down payment with reference to down payment request(Transaction Code: F-29)

               Create actual down payment with reference to advance down payment request

Step:4 Create Devilry (Transaction Code: VL01N)

Step:5 Create Post Goods Issue (Transaction Code: VL02N)

Step:6 Create Invoice with reference to delivery (Transaction Code: VF01)

Advance Payment posted automatically in invoice document using condition type: AZWB

Step:7 Accounting document generated once Invoice created (Transaction Code: VF03)

Step:8 Financial Posting Details Displayed (Transaction Code: FBL5N)

Step:9 Clear the down payment which we received (Transaction Code: F-39)

Step:10 Once you clear the amount, financial account will update as below (Transaction Code: FBL5N)

Excellent, congratulations.
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Thanks for your valuable comment.
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Hi Amarnath,

Thanks for sharing as this is really useful document.
0 Kudos
Hello Amarnath

Thanks for sharing nice document.

Could you please help with query.

  1. Are we able to see Downpayment request in Sales Order(VA02)-any link between Downpayment request & Sales order.

  2. Does it update anywhere in sales order once downpayment is recieved.

  3. How we can control that delivery should not be happened until downpayment received.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hello Amarnath,


thank you very much for the explanation.

I have a question, where you may can help me with:

Assuming, a down payment of (e.g. 50%) has been agreed and payed on a sales order amount of 10.000 Euro. An over-delivery tolerance is maintained and the final billing document shows a sum of 12.000 Euro.

Which setting is necessary, to avoid, that the customer is immediately falling due with the amount of 1.000 Euros?

In kind of questions, please feel free to ask.


Kind regards


0 Kudos

Great Post here, amarnath.subudhi2
I was trying to replicate the process.
After switching SD_01 on.
I went through enhancing pricing to new pricing cond types, created new gl accounts for alternat. customer recon. and payable tax,
updated pricing procedure,
configurated obxr, obxb, ob14, ob41 and checked finally OBC5.

While replicating the process:
Va01 sales order went ok AZDI, AZWA and AZWB are present in schema.
f-36 and F-29 went ok presenting the expected accounts and keys.
But at VF01 AZWB is not filled with down payment amount, only AZWA .

Is there some missing link that can cause this?
Your input will be highly appreciated.


0 Kudos

thanks for this blog. I didn't know SAP has an alternative solution for "billing plan related down-payment" process, great.

But I am little bit confused (reading attached notes) if this solution is only available for ECC 6.0 (EhP2), how to understand this? Does it mean the later system versions cannot used this solution? Actually I am working on S/4HANA OP 1909 and my question is if this can be applied for this system version as well or not?

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Best regards, Pavel
Active Participant
0 Kudos
This blog is amazing! thanks a lot for sharing
0 Kudos
Thanks a lot for sharing.

If we use "condition based down payment" in SAP Standard there seams to be no posibility to create the "advance payment request" from SD. Any ideas? Maybe as copy of FAZ (but I don´t want to use billing plan) and condition AZWA.
0 Kudos
Not mentioned here, but It must be ensured that the business function SD_01 under

ENTERPRISE_BUSINESS_FUNCTIONS is activated via T-code: SFW5. It’s the technical prerequisite for the condition-based down payment function.


Better to check this Link SD Condition Based Down Payments | SAP Blogs


0 Kudos
Hi Amarnath,


Thanks for this, very useful write-up.

Really appreciate the detailed presentation.

Regards, Siva
0 Kudos
I guess you need to develop something like ME2DP in Purchasing...

FAZ is not a good idea here - completely different ideology.
0 Kudos

Hi Amarnath, many thank for the detailed explanation!

Any idea how to automate processing of incoming down payments? Ideally I would like to supply Sales Order Nr. to the application so that it automatically creates credit items based on the SO items and proposes AZWA values in each.

0 Kudos
Hi Amarnath, hi all expert.

Is it possible to block the posting good issue if the advance payment received is not performed?

Thanks in advance


0 Kudos
Not sure I understand the example.  The down payment requested is 5 GBP.  The actual DP received is 4.17 GBP.  After the clearing of the DP in step 9 the customer ends up with a credit of 5 GBP on their account against which the invoice of 60 GBP is offset.  Why does the customer have a credit of 5 GBP and not 4.17 GBP which is what they actually paid as a DP?

Excellent document! Really helpful to many... Very few documents availble on SD downpayment scenario.


excellent blog! it really helps a lot to implement the down-payment in sales order. Although billing plan can also do with downpayment process. but it makes the material of sales order line  a dummy  object, non-business of delivery and invoice process. thanks for your sharing! 

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