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In this blog post, I’ll like to share some of my observations while exploring bill of material at SAP DMC after transferring it from S4HANA system.


Observation #1: Issues with component quantity


With compare to SAP ME, BOM has been improvised with BOM base quantity and Base UoM at SAP DMC. BOM base quantity is a quantity to which all component quantities in a BOM relate.

As SAP ME was promoted for discrete manufacturing only with the concept of lot size 1, during BOM transfer from SAP ERP to SAP ME, system used to consider BOM base quantity as 1 and hence used to convert the BOM component quantity in ME by dividing the ERP BOM component quantity with the ERP BOM base quantity.

But as DMC has been meant for both discrete and process manufacturing, both ERP BOM base quantity and Base UoM at SAP DMC. But for component quantity the behavior remains same as in ME.

Component quantities in DMC = ERP BOM component quantity/ ERP BOM base quantity.






Initially I thought this is to be a product error, BOM component quantities at DMC should be same as ERP and raise it to SAP. I learnt from SAP that it depends on the “Manufacturing Terminology” set for the plant via “Manage Plants” at DMC.

In case “Manufacturing Terminology” is set as “Discrete” then during BOM transfer, BOM base quantity shall only be considered as 1 like ME and component quantity shall be calculated at DMC accordingly during BOM transfer. Bust SAP’s response some question can be raised:

  1. BOM base quantity should have been displayed as 1 in case “Manufacturing Terminology” been set as Discrete. But in DMC, it is showing the original base quantity from ERP at BOM header section.

  2. plant can either be “Discrete” or “Process” relevant and the manufacturing process flows shall function accordingly. In that case what is the provision available for Hybrid manufacturing industry where both production and process orders shall be there in the picture. Example for an integrated steel plant, blast furnace get processed with process manufacturing scenario where as Rolling mill product get processed with production orders. It is difficult to suggest client to split their plant/valuation area just for the sake of DMC adoption. Is there any provision available that multiple DMC plant can point to 1 ERP plant? Or any other provision to address the issue?



Observation #2: Storage Location is not getting transferred for BOM component and neither it is editable at DMC.




Observation #3: Component Scrap is not getting transferred for BOM components


Outbound BOMMAT at ERP



Observation #4: Backflush Indicator has been removed from material and introduced at BOM component level


This decision make sense as one material can be used in several BOM and in one BOM it can be relevant for backflush where as in another BOM it might not.

The confusion is that in ERP there is no provision at BOM component level to set the backflush indicator. In ERP backflush can be set either at Material level, WorkCentre level or at Routing operation level.

Question is how this backflush indicator shall be set at DMC BOM component level as there is no provision of manual maintenance of this backflush indicator at BOM component level.

I have tried by setting the backflush indicator at material level and then tried to transfer both material and BOM, it didn’t work.


Observation #5: Co-Product indicator is not getting set automatically for the component where as it can easily been done with the data from Idoc & should be there in standard.

From Idoc component relevant segment (E1STPOM) if ROMEN is negative and KZKUP = X then set the component type as “Co-Product” in DMC.


Observation #6: By-Product indicator is not getting set automatically for the component where as it can easily been done with the data from Idoc & should be there in standard.


From Idoc component relevant segment (E1STPOM) if ROMEN is negative and KZKUP = Blank or value not available then set the component type as “By-Product” in DMC.



Observation #7: Assembly Data type has been introduced at BOM header level.

Now data type can be maintained at material level for the header material as well. Now if data type mismatch between BOM header and material master for the header material, how system reacts that is to be observed.


Observation #8: New Tab “Formula” has been introduced at BOM component level.


This is good as in process manufacturing scenario, it is required to calculate BOM component quantity dynamically based on other components consumption. This functionality is available with standard SAP ERP system but how to relate this with said DMC functionality that is a question.


Please note that after BOM transfer, by default no assembly data type shall be maintained in BOM component level. To get the “Formula” tab available for a component, it is mandatory to have “the assembly data type” selected for the BOM component.

For formula, data fields to be created with data type Formula Only. But how to build the formula and co relate with ERP master recipe material quantity calculation formula that is still a question mark.


Observation #9: BOM display has been provided with BOM component description.


Compared to SAP ME this one is good and much required from floor perspective that in BOM display component descriptions are there. It was not there in SAP ME.


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Thanks & Best Regards




Soumya Das


SME – SAP Manufacturing
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