If materials have the same set of operations and signs of control, they could be assigned to one Inspection Plan.
It’s OK, when the tolerance limits of a specific inspection characteristic are the same for each material – there is need neither for Dependent Characteristic Specifications in Inspection Plan nor its mixed loading.
But when materials’ limits are different and thousands of such different valid limits must be migrated in a System,
standard solutions such as Migration Cockpit, LSMW are not helpers here.
Agenda: Mass Dependent Characteristic Specifications loading in a new system
Solution: Creation of Migration Object (Inspection Plan) for its next loading in system through Migration Cockpit instrument
Target system: SAP S/4HANA
There are 2 ways to Create new Migration Object: by creating new migration object from scratch or by changing an already existing migration object. Here will be described the second way.
Steps to be taken to change an already existing migration object:
1. Run transaction LTMOM and select
Create Migration Object → From Template.
2. Enter the name of your Migration Cockpit’s Project and then select migration Object, which would be created. In our case it’s Inspection Plan.
Note: Target Object (Inspection Plan) must not be copied to the migration Project during the project creation (transaction LTMC). Otherwise it will not be presented in the screen.
3. Now Migration Object’s toolbar displayed on the screen. Switch to Change Mode.
4. Add new structure to the existing Inspection Plan‘s hierarchy. Our structure will be responsible for Dependent Characteristic Specifications’ data.
Source Structure → Characteristics (Right click)→ Append Structure to Lower level.
Note: Dependent Characteristic Specifications are stored in a table PLMW. In turn it’s associated with table PLMK (Inspection plan characteristics). That is why it’s decided to append new structure at such level.
Enter a Structure name and its description.
5. Go to Dependent Characteristic Specifications Structure and insert 10 fields by clicking Add Field.
Fill them as follows. Save.
6. Adjust key relationships between related Structures (Z_PLMW and PLMK).
Click on Foreign Key Relationship.
Fill Field of Check Table or Literal. Save.
7. Map the Sources Structures to a system’s Target Structure.
Mapping of structures allows to make later mapping of their fields.
Structure Mapping → Insp. Char. Specifications in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans.
Insert 4 fields by clicking Add Field.
Fill them as follows. Save.
8. Map Source Structure’s fields to the Target Structure’s ones.
Go to Field Mapping in the migration object tree and find Source Structure Dependent Characteristic Specifications in one column and Target Structure Insp. Char. Specifications in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans in another.
The work will be undertaken with the second column. Each column’s field would be assigned its validation rule and import parameters.
Click on Key for Task List Group target field.
Parameter Z_PLMW-PLNNR is Key for Task List Group field from Dependent Characteristic Specifications structure. The name of required validation rule is SET_PLNNR_Q_NUM. Save.
The same step would be done with other 9 fields.
Target field Group Counter.
Target field Operation/Activity Number.
Target field Inspection Characteristic Number.
Target field Number for Dependent Characteristic Specifications.
Target field Material Number (18 Characters).
Target field Plant.
Target field Number of Places to the Right of a Decimal Point (Accuracy).
Target field Upper Specification Limit.
Target field Lower Specification Limit.
9. Generate Runtime Object.
After all steps were completed generated Inspection Plan is ready to import Dependent Characteristic Specifications in S/4HANA system.