In this blog post I am going to explain the steps required for definition of a Pricing Condition Table, one of the building blocks of the Pricing setup in SAP S/4 Hana.
A condition table is key combination of fields against which pricing record is maintained.
Standard condition tables for pricing are defined in the SAP system. User is allowed to create new condition tables on business requirement either by copying the nearest available standard condition table and modifying it or by creating an entirely new table.
You can define condition tables for pricing in the SAP system by using the following procedure:
Step 1:
Go to SPRO path below.
IMG->Sales & Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define condition tables:
Step 2 (optional):
Go to allowed fields and add the field using “New Entries” button if the required field is not listed already in the fields catalog.
Step 3:
Go to create condition table. Choose table number. Standard tables are having number range from 1 to 500 and SAP has provided 501 to 999 free tables for customizing purpose. So, choose a table number in that range & hit the enter button. In this example, I have chosen table 875 which does not exist in my system.
In the next screen, double-click on the required fields from the fields catalog. Then, they will be added to “Selected Fields”. Use the page up and page down buttons to scroll up/down the fields in the field catalog.

Step 4 (optional): (This is the MAIN point/step that is my actual focus point in this blog.)
Go to technical view using “technical” button. you can see options/buttons below.
Item field check button: If item view button is checked, the field will be available on item level of the pricing record creation screen (Transaction Code(s) VK11/VK12/VK13).
Text field check button: If Text button is checked, a text field for selected field name will be added to item level of the pricing record creation screen (VK11/VK12/VK13). Text button can be checked only for single field & it must be a line field.
In example below, the customer field is not checked for item view and text field. So, the customer field is on header/main screen & no text field for customer name unlike field “material group”.
In example below, the customer is checked for item view & text field. The customer field is available on item level & you can create single record for multiple customers in combination with material group (table 875). And you can see the text field is available for customer name
Step 5:
Click on the generate button (round red button) to create/save the table.
Pricing table will be created prefixed with ‘A’.
Table A875 has been created.
In conclusion, I hope this was informative for you. Please feel free to leave a comment if you liked it or if you have any questions.
You can refer to other resources on pricing condition table configuration using the following links:
SD Pricing Condition Table – SAPCODES
How to Define Condition Tables for pricing in SAP SD - SAP Tutorial (
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