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Deductions Configuration and Processing.

1. Configuration

1.1. W/t characteristics V_T511 – checkbox deduction w/t  - field OPKEN – W/t should be set as deduction (this field is ticked).

1.2. Deduction priority table V_T51P6 - This is configured for deduction w/t's.  The payroll function PRPRI (in sub-schema XNA0 or whichever customized one you are using) uses this view/table to apply the deductions that have been written to RT.  It is also used by function PRDNT.

1.2.1 Priority (field PRIO) - from 0 to 9, A-Z or any character)

This is used to apply deductions apart from tax in the order of priority.  For example, the deductions which must be applied first, may have priority 1, then next set of dedn's with 2, etc.

1.2.2 Arrears (field ARRS) - characters but with specific meaning.

See the help text enclosed. For the purpose where we do not want the past deduction not made earlier to be applied in current run:

- Specification 2 would be suitable.  This means it is added to deductions not taken table DDNTK but it is not added to arrears table ARRRS.

1.2.3 Retro handling (field RETRO).

This is used by function PRDNT as below - which brings the deductions from DDNTK table of the previous pay period. If the field is blank it is treated as 1. If the RETRO has a value 1, 2, or 3, the undeducted amt from the previous pay period is brought forward to current pay period and added to IT. Further the deduction made in the original pay period is not changed, if the ded w/t exists in this table.

2.Data entry:

This can be in different infotypes like 8, 14, 15, 45 and other custom infotypes.  Infotype 8 may include basic pay and similar payments as well as salary sacrifice w/t's.

A deduction amt may be input as negative in IT 15 for a pay period;  this is treated as refund.

Payments are through IT 416, 2010, etc.

3.Time evaluation

3.1 Wage types are generated in this process with program RPTIME00 (transaction PT60).  It may be through (a)PCR’s with operation ADDZL (b)function GWT using the config in V_T510S (c)further processed by function PZL and POVT and any other custom functions.  At the end of processing for an employee the w/t’s are stored in ZL table of the time evaluation cluster, for an active time evaluation period (where simulation is not ticked in input selection screen for PT60).

Generally time evaluation is only for payments such as shift penalty, meals during overtime, any reduced pay for late coming.

4.Payroll processing:

Note following is the generic processing for any country’s payroll.  But it may vary depending on the country grouping.   The program used is RPCALCx0 where x depends on the country grouping.

4.1 Processing input and last pay period's pay results:

4.1.1 Last pay period's w/t's may be brough into to current period based on the needs and configuration.

4.1.2 The w/t’s are added from the various infotypes 8 (by function WPBP) , 14 (function P0014), 15 (function P0015), 45(function P0045 (function P0045), 416 (with function P0416) 2010 (function P2010) as well as from time evaluation results table ZL (function ZLIT) to the table IT. 

There may be other infotypes for specific country groups (field molga) as well as customer infotypes and functions which may be used for w/t’s.

4.1.3 Further payments may be output during termination processing.

4.1.4 Where necessary deductions prorating of a deduction for an employee’s inactive part of a pay period can be achieved in a PCR with operation WPBPC and w/t’s processing class 47 values.

4.1.5 The w/t’s are first added to the internal table IT (which exists only during payroll processing). They are then added to table RT (one of pay results cluster table) as well as cumulated into CRT based on the V_512W_D config (in various PCR’s – X020, X023, X024, X045, etc).  Some w/t’s may be ignored from IT (for example a the facor w/t’s /801 to /816 are not added to RT).  Then they are added to RT.

4.2. Function PAB:

This function in sub-schema XT00 processes the leave entered in IT 2001 and calculates the hours to be paid or not paid for absences such as Annual leave, Long Service Leave, etc, depending on the absence configuration.

4.3. Function PRDNT

4.4.1 This function brings the previous pay period’s deductions not taken (or not applied) due to insufficient pay and minimum pay rules.

4.4. PCR X030:

4.4.1 This adds the various payment w/t’s to w/t /550, based on the w/t’s config in V_512W_D proc class 05.  The amt in w/t /550 determines how much of salary paid can be used to apply deductions (in function PRPRI).

4.5 Function PRPRI

This function in sub-schema XNA0 applies the deductions in RT on the deductible amount in w/t /550, based on the w/t config in V_T511, V_T512W_D, V_T51P6.  The deductions in RT are processed in the order of priority and w/t code, and the T51P6 table field ARRS.  It will apply the appropriate deduction amt as per input or less based on ARRS config. Deductions not applied (or taken) are written to table ARRS.  It  also write to ARRRS table based on the ARRS field config.

4.6. Function ADDCU

At the end of payroll sub-schema XEND, this function in schema X000 supplements accumulation of w/t’s from RT into CRT based on config in V_T54C3.

4.7 Function EXPRT

It exports the tables created to the cluster PCL2 cluster C3 – in both payroll and time evaluation.

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