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Purpose: The purpose of this blog post is to bring the real-life day-to-day scenarios of a material buyer based on my own domain experience as a material buyer. These blog posts are mainly for material buyers (end users), however, new MM consultants can also get benefited by knowing the buyer's role better.

This is the fourth blog post of the series – Day in the  Life of a material buyer. Please go through the previous blog posts to understand other activities of the buyer.

This blog post will focus on how a material buyer manages material shortages.

–Review material shortage situations and resolve

–Review potential material shortage situations and resolve

–Includes review of processes such as recent cycle counts, scrap transactions, and receiving issues.

Work replacement material for SMRRs (Supplier material review requests)

SAP Tcodes/Tools

–Material Requirements Planning - MRP List

  • MD06 – MRP List – Find PO Exceptions (Reschedule In or Past)

  • Goods Movements

–MB51 - Review Inventory Adjustment activity

–MB51 - Review Scrapping activity

–MB51 - Review Vendor Returns activity

–RMDMRPLIST – Display Planning Data


MRP List (MD06 - This Tcode is not in S4Hana, however, several blog posts exist asking for reinstating this Tcode)

  • The system creates MRP lists during the planning run according to how you set the creation indicator. These lists contain the planning result for the material.

  • The MRP list always displays the stock/requirements situation at the time of the last planning run and it also provides a work basis for the MRP controller.

  • Changes that are made after the planning date are not taken into consideration, so the list is static.

  • MRP lists are stored in the system until they are either deleted manually or replaced by new lists from a subsequent planning run.

Key MRP attributes buyers should be aware of

  • Plant Parameters for MRP (Tech Configuration)

  • MRP type (MM)

  • MRP controller (MM)

  • Procurement Type (MM)

  • Special Procurement Type if applicable (MM)

  • Lot Sizing Procedure (MM)

  • Scheduling Margin Key (MM)

  • Scheduling Parameters for planned orders (Tech Configuration)

Some of the MRP data buyers should be aware are

Material buyer should also be aware of how availability check is carried out by the system.


MRP -Exception messages buyer's perspective -Rescheduling.

–This blog post provides an overview of the MRP rescheduling check and examples of the most common issues and questions in this area.

  • Overview

–Whenever the MRP finds a requirement, it checks if this requirement can be covered for an existing fixed receipt (within the rescheduling horizon), before creating a new replenishment element (planned order). This procedure is called “rescheduling check”.

–If a fixed replenishment element is found, an exception message is created, suggesting the user to reschedule this fixed element in order to cover the shortage.

–System first searches for fixed elements before the requirement date. If a fixed element is found before the requirement date, then this receipt is not needed until later. In this case, the exception message “15 – Postpone process” is displayed for the element.

–If the fixed element is after the requirement date, within the rescheduling horizon and this type of fixed element is included on the rescheduling check, according to the customizing, the exception message “10 - Bring process forward” is displayed for the element.

  • Different MRP exception scenarios buyers should know are as below.

Thus with the above knowledge buyer would know what are the important master data elements in MRP  view and how to handle MRP exceptions.

Some of the Menu items in the MRP list buyers should be aware of are as under,

Working with List Header and material tree.

Once you know the functionalities of MRP list MD06, the day-to-day tasks of buyer would be as under.

-For a specific MRP controller, find all PO Items with exception code 10 (Reschedule in).

- Display MRP exception messages for a purchasing group.


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