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The below document lists down the steps to change the user interfaces in SAP, i.e., changing the screen header or the list screen for an infotype.

  1. Change Screen Header
  2. Change Screen Modifications 

  1. Changing the Screen Header

Screen headers are the group of fields that are used to show generic information at the top of every infotype. It may comprise of personnel no, employee group, personnel area or other such fields. It is possible to display this screen header for every individual infotype. However, this is limited to only change in the first three lines of the screen.

Consider the below example where the screen header for IT 0016 (Contract elements) is being shown as below for an employee. We want to modify this screen header to suit our requirements wherein we want only the name and personnel number to be displayed for the user.

Below are the steps to be followed:

  • SPRO > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing User Interfaces > Change Screen Header
  • Click on Header structure per infotype.

  • Under the ‘header structure per infotype’, assign the screen modifier to the infotype for which the header needs to be changed.

  • SAP provides us with the option to decide the class for which we may want to change the header, i.e, whether we want to change the screen header for master & time data (tr class A) or we want to change the data for applicant class (Tr Class B). For our example, we will make the entries for Tr.Class A only.

     Along with the Tr.Class, we will assign a number to the header modifier. It is against this header modifier number, where we will be assigning      the specifications or the data fields that need to be displayed.

  • Define entries against the header modifier number created in the above step.

One important column header that needs a mention here is the option ‘Fldty’. This option refers to the display type or a formatting type available for a given field. Below are the options that have been provided by SAP.

  • 'DAT': field contents                                             
  • 'DTX': field content text (if available)                          
  • 'PIC': passport photo                                             
  • 'DD1': field short text according to DDIC                         
  • 'DD2': middle field text according to DDIC                        
  • 'DD3': long field text according to DDIC                          
  • 'DD4': field header according to DDIC                             
  • 'TXT': user-defined text according to customizing settings        
  • 'TXD': like 'TXT' but with a DDIC interface to the relevant field    

However, please note:

  • You can only use the 'PIC' field type for the PERNR field. SAP recommends that you enter the personal data infotype (0002) in the ITyp (infotype) field for the passport photo
  • The field types 'TXT' and 'TXD' are only available for compatibility reasons. SAP recommends that you use the field types 'DD1' and 'DD4' instead.   

Once we have saved the above entries, the required customization will come into effect. This can be checked via PA20 screen.

  1. PA20 - IT 0016

B. Change Screen Modifications

Depending on the Tr.Class and country grouping, different screens are available for different infotypes. SAP also provides the functionality, wherein the characteristics of individual field may be changed. For example, a given data field may be made either mandatory or may be hidden from the given screen view.

To illustrate, we will consider an example wherein we would like to hide the data fields related to ‘entry’ section, ie., we need to hide the ‘initial entry’, ‘entry into group’ and ‘corporation’ fields from the given screen. Below are the steps to be followed to make the required changes.

  • To change the screen layout, we need to know the program name (or Mod.Pool) and screen number of the infotype. This can be checked using technical information.

          For IT 0016, the program name is MP001600 and screen number is 2000.

  • Go to given SPRO path and find the entry for given program name and screen number

SPRO > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing User Interfaces > Change Screen Modifications

  • As can be seen from the below screenshot, the current fields right now are marked as ‘Std’ or Standard.

To hide these data fields, we need to mark them as ‘hide’.

Please note: The data fields can be set to have the following status:

  • Standard
  • Required field (RF)
  • Optional field (OF)
  • Output field
  • Hide
  • Initialized

  • Once these fields are marked as ‘hide’, they will be hidden from the main infotype screen. The same can be checked using PA20 - > IT 0016 screen.

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