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     Enhancement package 5 for Procurement business function “LOG_MM_SIT” allow to control goods movements both for sales to external customers and for stock transfer processes between plants belonging to the same or different company codes within the same company. Using valuated stock in transit and new movement types, we can specify the time of the transfer of title precisely. Throughout the process, material quantities and material values are recorded transparently and can be displayed in the stock overview, the purchase order history, and the individual stock accounts. The functions are also available for the corresponding intra-company-code and cross-company-code return stock transfers.

     This document covers the customer delivery with transfer of title at customer location. The customer deliveries with valuated stock in transit, is used to pin point the exact time of the transfer of title. The transfer of title depends on the delivery type. The system determines this based on the sales document type. The system finds the item categories and thereby the corresponding schedule line categories, using Customizing for item category determination in the delivery. The process is controlled by the movement types that are assigned to the respective schedule line categories.

Client Requirement


     The requirement for our project was to recognize the COGS & Sales revenue at the same time based on the Incoterms. Incoterms were divided into two categories as ‘Immediate Risk transfer’ & ‘Delayed risk transfer’. ICC Incoterms like EXW & FCA were classified as immediate risk transfer as the risk transfer lies with ‘Buyer’ once the Goods are loaded onto carrier from plant. The other incoterms like FOB, CPT, CIF, etc.. were classified are Incoterms with Delayed Risk Transfer.

     Based on the Delayed Risk Transfer Incoterms, the item category in the sales order would get determined. This was one of the key developments of the project. Based on the item category the posting to COGS / SiT account would happen at the time of PGI.

     The Requested delivery date would be maintained by the Customer Service Representative while processing the Sales Order. Based on the
RDD & route information in the sales order, the PoD is carried out through a program scheduled automatically.

Features of Business Function LOG_MM_SIT

     Business Function LOG_MM_SIT covers below business processes. In the following processes, valuated stock in transit specifies the exact time of the transfer of title.

  •      Intra Company Code Stock Transfer: Transfer of title at goods issue / goods receipt / during transit.
  •      Cross Company Code Stock Transfer: Transfer of title at goods issue / goods receipt / during transit.
  •      Delivery with transfer of title at the customer location.

In a cross-company-code or intra-company-code stock transfer, valuated stock in transit allows you to retain the quantity and value of a material that has already left the issuing plant but has not yet reached the receiving plant. The functions are also available for the corresponding intra-company-code and cross-company-code return stock transfers. In addition, in sales processes to external customers, you can post the quantity and value of a material to issuing valuated stock in transit initially and then remove it when proof of delivery arrives.


A. SD Customizing requirments:

     i. Defining new Sales Order Type

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Header --> Define Sales Document Types

     Create the new sales document type Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit (ORNC) as a copy of the sales document type Standard Order           (TA/OR).


     ii. Defining new Delivery Type

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Logistics Execution --> Shipping  --> Deliveries  --> Define Delivery Types

     Create New Delivery Type (NCCU - Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit) for the process Outbound Delivery with Transfer of Title at                     Customer Location.


     Note: Creating a new order type/delivery types are optional. You can use the existing order types & assign the item category for this functionality to work.

     iii. Assigning the New Delivery Type to New Sales Order Type


     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Header --> Define Sales Document Types

     In the Shipping section of the detail view, assign the appropriate delivery type, NCCU to the sales document type Outbound Delivery from Issuing       Valuated Stock in Transit (ORNC).


     iv. Defining new Item Categories

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document item --> Define Item Categories

     For this solution, the item category is important configuration. Item category is assigned to schedule line category which has movement type. We can      define new item categories or use the existing item categories as per the client’s requirement. But it has to be ensured that proper schedule line           category is determined.


     Ensure that the new item category Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit (NCCU) has been created as a copy of the item category      Standard Item (TAN).

     v. Defining Item Categories in Deliveries


     IMG Menu path:  IMG --> Logistics Execution --> Shipping  --> Deliveries --> Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries

     When the item category is copied from reference & if made relevant for copy control i.e., “Is this entry also relevant for copying control?” – If yes,      then      the delivery item category will be created, else define delivery item category manually.


     Ensure that for all entries with delivery type Outbound Delivery (LF), a copy has been created and altered as follows:

     Delivery type LF has been changed for each entry to delivery type Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit (NCCU).


     Item category Standard Item (TAN) has been changed for each entry to item category Delivery from Issuing Valuated SiT (NCCU).


    vi. Defining Schedule Line categories


     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document item --> Define Item Categories


     One of the important configurations of this solution is defining the Schedule line category. When you define the schedule line category, you see      the      changes in the screen with addition of fields MvT Iss. Val. SiT & Spec. Iss. Val. SiT. Ensure that for the process Outbound Delivery from Issuing                Valuated Stock in Transit the new schedule line category NU has been created as a copy of schedule line category Material Requirements Planning           (CP),  detailed data:

     Movement type = 687 (Goods Delivery to Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit)

     Movement Type for Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit = 601 (Goods Issue for Delivery)

     Specification for Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit = 3 (Sales-Order-Related Goods Issue from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit).


     vii. Assigning New Schedule Line Categories to the New Item Category


     IMG Menu path:  IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales  --> Sales Documents  --> Schedule Lines  --> Define Schedule Line  Categories

     Ensure that a new entry has been created as a copy of the entry with item category Standard Item (TAN) and schedule line category Material                          Requirements Planning (CP) with the following changes:

     Item category TAN has been changed to item category Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit (NCCU).

     Schedule line  category CP has been changed to schedule line category Delivery from Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit (NU).


     viii. Assigning New Item Categories to the Sales Document type

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document item --> Assign Item Categories


     Normally when the Sales Order type OR is copied & item category is copied from TAN all the related settings are copied & the assignment will take                place. In case, if the item category is created newly without any reference, then maintain the assignment to the Order Type.

     ix. Assign PoD relevance to the Delivery Item Category

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Logistics Execution --> Shipping --> Deliveries --> Proof of Delivery --> Set POD-Relevance Depending on Delivery Item      Category

     Maintain the PoD relevance for the delivery item categories which are created.


B. MM & FI Customizing requirments:

    i. Create G/L account

     The necessary G/L accounts has to be created by FI team for posting of the Stock in Transit Account.

     ii. Define Valuation Class

     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Materials Management --> Valuation and Account assignment --> Account Determination -->       Account determination without wizard --> Define Valuation classes

     The valuation class is a group of materials with the same account determination. If a transaction is to be posted to different  accounts depending on the           valuation class. The valuation classes allowed depend on the material type. Several valuation classes are generally allowed for one material type. A                valuation class can also be allowed for several material types. The link between the valuation classes and the material types is set up via the      account category reference.


     iii. Automatic Postings - BSX & GBB


     IMG Menu path: IMG --> Materials Management --> Valuation and Account assignment --> Account Determination --> Account determination without         wizard --> Configure Automatic Postings




     These settings are required for automatic posting of the Stock in Transit account & the Cost of Goods Sold at the time of PGI & POD respectively.

C. Master Data requirments:

     i. Customer Master


     The Customer Master Data has to have the PoD relevance for this solution. This can be maintained by using Transaction Code XD02 / VD02. Go to                the Sales Area Data, under the shipping tab, you find the Relevant for PoD checkbox as shown below. Check the box, to make the customer relevant for      PoD.


      ii. Material Master

     Based on the requirement of the client to identify the stocks & for their reporting purposes, the valuation class can be maintained against the      VC:Sales Order Stk field as shown below. The maintenance of this Valuation Class is to account for separate G/L when the Goods issue is done & the      stock is moved to Stock in Transit.


Process Demo

     We will create the sales order and delivery to check the process flow. The following values are used for this:


     Sales Area: 1000 / 10 /00
     Material: P-100; Plant: 1000
     Order Type: ORNC

     Create the Sales order & save the order.


     Before proceeding further, we shall note down the stock of the material considered in MMBE & MB5SIT.


     Detials of MB5SIT before Delivery


     Now, create the delibery (VL01N).


     Notice that the Post Goods Issue Icon is greyed out in create mode as compared to our standard process. Do the picking / WH TO & save the delivery.


     Now, go to VL02N & do the Post Goods Issue (PGI)

     Check the document flow once the PGI is done.


     Check the posting, the finished goods inventory has been credited & Stock in Transit G/L has been debited.


     Now, we will have a look at the stock level MMBE & report MB5SIT



     You will see the qty under Iss. SiT column in the MB5SIT report, against the delivery.

     Now, carry out Proof of Delivery (PoD) - Transaction VLPOD

Once the PoD is saved, another material document gets posted, as you could see above.

Now, we shall look into the document flow again.


     Now, the Stock in Transit G/L has been credited & Cost of Goods Sold (Inventory change –fin) has been debited.

     After PoD check the report MB5SIT


     In this way, based on the requirement of the client, the posting to the COGS & thereby Sales revenue (at the time of billing) can be controlled using the      Proof of Delivery.




     Please let me have your feedback on the suggestions & improvements for this document further, if necessary.

0 Kudos

Hi Umesh ,

Thanks for the wonderful document.

While using VLPOD transaction , I want to enter the POD quantity multiple times. This would enable me to create multiple goods issue documents. With the current config , am not able to do this. Any inputs will be helpful !



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Umesh,

  I have a basic question on one of your statements:

"The requirement for our project was to recognize the COGS & Sales revenue at the same time based on the Incoterms."


Is it possible to bill the customer for the partial quantity immediately after 601T and meanwhile continue to process the delivery with approved and rejected quantity?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Umesh,

Thank you for sharing your experience.


0 Kudos

Hi Umesh,/ All,

Where we assign Inventory as well as Stock in Transit GL in BSX as per your snap shoot, and also Mvt type  601 T,

Former Member
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hi Raheem,

Please take help of your MM team in your project. OMJJ and the respective account posting in the OMS2.

SIT completes as you do a POD.



0 Kudos

Thank you very much, Umesh.

I did this customizing and achieved this result.


There is large problem.

I am about status delivery. After GI (687) the delivery get status C - issue completed.

For POD designed another status  - relevant for POD 'C"

It's not correctly for out business processes.

Our processes consider status GI completed for delivery 'C'  when transfer of title is completed

Because of this problem all our report would display not correct information.

The good is yet ours (stock in transit), but status GI is 'C'

what can you say about this problem?


Kleonsky Vadim

Former Member
0 Kudos


As I understand from your statement's u r business follow the standard processes. If u r planning to implement SIT u need to change ur report else follow the standard processes without SIt.


0 Kudos

thanks again, gurus

Another question, help, pls

We used business scenario  - delivery without sales order.

But I can't customizing SIT for our business process - for delivery without sales order.

My question is follows: can I customizing delivery without sales order with SIT


Kleonsky Vadim

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Vadim,

Technically specking ,yes you can do it. There are a couple of customisation you need to do to achive this.

In standard, delivery without sales order is LO. When you open up the delivery document type you will find the reference sales order DL. You copy DL and create custome sales order say ZDL and you put the confiruration of schedule line for SIT.

I hope you will be able to do this with the given set of information.

Now can you please let me know what is the business requirement ? Why do you wnat to impliment this in delivery without sales order scenario.



0 Kudos

Hi Sayantan

In our scerario we use sap as system for data aggregion . We receive data from foreign system: contract, invoice, delivery and others through idoc

But we don't receive sales order.

Meantime. I tried do as you tell in the message, but don't success.

I did conclusion, may be wrong, that scenario SIT without sales order was not possible

I think, system dont find  2 movement types for schedule line category because we have no schedule line categories in delivery without order

regards, Vadim

0 Kudos

thx to share, it's very useful for us

Former Member
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Hi Umesh - Thanks for this document, very helpful indeed.

Hi All,

Good day!

I have an issue related to POD.

The business function LOG_MM_SIT is activated in our system.

Customer master is POD relevant and line item as well. Schedule line category is setup for POD that it will determine movement type 687. However when I create the delivery, the movement type determined was 601(instead of 687). I was able to replicate the issue once in our development system, however, the issue now cannot be replicated anymore. It seems like this is an intermittent issue, we experience this thrice now in our production system. Does anyone experience this issue? If yes, kindly share your solution/inputs.

Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos

Hi All,

Any one tested following scenario?

  • Movement Type = 687  - (move into “Stock inTransit”)
  • Type for Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit = 631 ( move into Customer Consignment Stock)



Active Contributor
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Thank you for sharing

Former Member
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Can you please suggest what should be the movement types for tracking Intercompany - SIT?

I have tried using 681 and 685 movement types with Spec.Iss. Val. SiT field as 1.

Can you please confirm if this is correct?

Thanks & Regards,

Rohan Gudavalli

0 Kudos

Hello LOG_MM_SIT gurus.

I have activated BF in SFW5, new delivery types become available, but purchasing document types are missing.

What could go wrong?

0 Kudos

Hello gurus,

same on our side. The MM-PUR orders are not installed.

Does anyone know a MM-PUR blog?

Kind Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Umesh,

Just what I was looking for. Spot on manual. Thank you!

Kind Regards,
0 Kudos

I have created z- item category and assign schedule line NU as Manual schedule line(MSLCa) in "Assign Schedule line Categories" . all the other settings are same.

Now when I create SO for this z- item Cat. , and manual assign SLCa as NU, the movt. triggers is 601 instead of 687. Please let me know what should be the issue.
0 Kudos
Hi Ian,

Have you got the sollution for the same. Please share.
0 Kudos
Hi Faizan,

I encountered the same issue,for MTO scenario, as long as we assign a new valuation class to field "VC: Sales order stk", every transaction related to that sales order, such as GR for PO, system will no longer debit the inventory GL, instead of debit SIT GL.

not sure if you already have solution for it.

I tried to find another solution via google, some people suggest to use FI substitution( t-code GGB1). but i have no idea what kind of information i can use to define the prerequistites for substitutes rule.

0 Kudos
Dear All,

This solution seems only work fine for MTS, scenario, but for MTO scenrio, all material movement transaction which related to Sales order, will hit into SIT GL instead of Inventory GL. as long as we assign a new valuation class to field “VC: Sales order stk”, every transaction related to that sales order, such as GR for PO, system will no longer debit the inventory GL, instead of debit SIT GL.

not sure if your guys already have solution for it.I tried to find another solution via google, some people suggest to use FI substitution( t-code GGB1). but i have no idea what kind of information from the material document i can use to define the prerequistites for substitutes rule.

0 Kudos
Hi Umesh,

Thanks for the info.

However, would you be able to explain how it works in the case of intra-company transfer?

Should the receiving party be using MB0A to receive the stock or it should be done by the issuing party thru VLPOD?



Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Umesh,

While doing PGI through VL02N, I am getting below error:

"Enter a delivery for special stock T" Message M7443

Could you please help?


0 Kudos
Dear Expert.

I have actived  Business Funcstion LOG_MM_SIT and create scenario as below:

  1. Create Sales Order with Qty = 100 TON

  2. Create Outbound Delivery and Post good Issue with Qty = 100 TON on 31/10/2017

  3. (Physical) Transfer stock to Port and weigh the stock is 101 TON for issue declaration on 03/11/2017 ==> I want to create VLPOD with Qty 101 TON but the system deny.

Please give me solution for this.




0 Kudos
Hello Sridhar,

Please refer Note: 1679256 for answers related to stock lying under valuated SiT .



0 Kudos
Thank you for sharing, very helpful information, but I have a question, how to realize the inter-company transaction?685 + 643 (step 2)?685+645 (1 step)?


John Chen
0 Kudos

I've done the inventory transfer between companies,

Using the movement type 687+685,

The Movement type = 687

The Movement Type for Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit = 685

Specification for Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit = 2

0 Kudos
Very informative and we have configured the same in our system. However, what if it is sales return orders with movement type 653? Please let me know if you have any clue.
0 Kudos
Hello Kiran,

I also am trying to do that but do not find how to move from in transit to customer consignment, did you found a solution?


0 Kudos
Hi Experts,

We have activated business function LOG_MM_SIT also have attached new valuation class in MM master to hit SIT GL at the time of PGI 687 movement type. it is running properly and hitting the desired SIT GL for once then it never worked its hitting same inventory account debit and credit. Please help me to get it resolve i am in mid of Go live.

Its MTO scenario with sales order costing

0 Kudos

hi there , thanks for the great work . this is what i need in my company righ now.

I've two questions if you dont mind and glad to hear back when you are avaliable ;

1-I've tried to follow everything in your steps but unable to post vlpod bcs of getting error : Update control of movement type is incorrect (entry 601 _ _ T L).  Could you please guide me where should I check exactly ? 

I've already check business function LOG_MM_SIT seems active , on hana 1709.  

2-Does this work for MTO scenario?

Thanks . 

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