As a graduate recruit I had no prior experience besides a 5 week internship at a reputable firm. One of my first projects on the job in the exciting and unpredictable world of consulting was a large S/4HANA Data Migration Project.
Based on my lack of experience prior to this project I had absolutely no SAP experience and didn’t even know what a T-code meant. Being plunged into the deep end I needed to learn very quickly and was racking my brain wondering how this whole migration process would occur.
Low and behold my knight in shining Armor came in the form of the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit solution. This easy to use solution almost lets you migrate data into SAP at a click of a button(literally). To use this solution, you require no developer skillset and it includes predefined templates for each migration object that does all the work for you. It all sounds very simple, right? I had found a solution that would make me look like I knew exactly what I was doing with little to no effort. Of course, as life would have it couldn’t just be that simple for me, imagine my distress when I could not find a pre-configured template for one of the objects I needed to migrate. As the love story would go SAP S/4HANA came to my rescue again, including a solution allowing you to create a new migration template from scratch.
This blog describes how to create a new migration object template. I followed this process to create a template for Measuring Point and found it to be very simple and straightforward.
Descriptions and screenshots are created using S/4HANA 740 Final Release Version.
Create new Migration Object
To create a new migration template select Create Migration Object from the menu you can either copy an existing template or create a new user-defined template, for this blog we are going to choose to create a user-defined object.
Select your Migration Cockpit Project.
Give your Object a name and a Description (e.g Migration Object ID: ‘Z_MPTEST’ and Description: ‘Measuring Point Template’).
Currently this solution only supports migration from file by calling a Functional Module.
Click Next.
Enter the functional Module Name for Measuring Point Create (‘MP_RFC_SINGLE_CREATE’) then click complete.
Double click Source Structure from the left panel.
Right click Source Structure and Select Append to lower level.
Enter a structure name and Description and click complete.
Insert fields by clicking the Insert field button and Insert as many fields as you require.
After inserting your fields, enter field details then save.
In the left-hand panel double click Structure mapping and drag and drop your created structure to the required fields
Double click Field Mapping from the left-hand panel and drag and drop fields from Source Structure to Target Structure.
For fields that require validation, we assigned already existing rules.
Generate your template.
Once you have generated your template you will find it located in your Migration Cockpit project which can be initiated by calling the transaction code ‘LTMC’.
Overall, I found this solution to be straight-forward and easy to use and if you ever find yourself in a similar predicament as I did, I hope this post will be helpful.