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Defining the UI using Metadata Extensions

In the previous part we've defined the data model for our app. Now it's time to define how our app should look like. We'll do this by adding UI annotations to our consumption views using Metadata Extensions.

Within the next few subsections I'll try to explain how the different annotations determine how the UI will look like.

UI annotations for List Report

Annotation Usage
@UI.typeNamePlural Title above the list
@UI.selectionField Default position of the field within the selection criteria
@UI.lineItem Default position of the field within the table


UI annotations for Object Page facets

Annotation Usage
@UI.facet Used to group fields as desired
@UI.facet.type Type of facet (CollectionFacet, ReferenceFacet or ReferenceURLFacet)
@UI.facet.label Description (title) for facet
@UI.facet.parentId Reference to parent facet (for nested facets)

Sales Order Header consumption view Metadata Extension

@Metadata.layer: #CUSTOMER

@UI: {
headerInfo: {
typeName: 'Sales Order',
typeNamePlural: 'Sales Orders',
title: { type: #STANDARD, label: 'Sales Order' }

annotate view ZSD_C_SOHEADER
@UI.facet: [
label: 'Header data',
id: 'Header',
label: 'Document Information',
id : 'HeaderData',
parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'HeaderData'
label: 'Organizational Information',
id : 'OrgInfo',
parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'OrgInfo'
label: 'Customer Information',
id : 'CustomerInfo',
parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'CustomerInfo'
label: 'Internal Information',
id : 'InternalInfo',
parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'InternalInfo'
label: 'Items',
purpose: #STANDARD,
id: 'Items',
targetElement: '_items'



@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 10, label: 'Sales Order', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 10 } ],
identification:[ { position: 10, label: 'Sales Order' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'HeaderData', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 20, label: 'Order Type', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 20 } ],
identification:[ { position: 20, label: 'Order Type' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'HeaderData', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 110, label: 'Net Value', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 150 } ],
identification:[ { position: 150, label: 'Net Value' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'HeaderData', position: 30 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 160 } ],
identification:[ { position: 160, label: 'Currency' } ]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 30, label: 'Sales Organization', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 30 } ],
identification:[ { position: 30, label: 'Sales Organization' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'OrgInfo', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 40 } ],
identification:[ { position: 40, label: 'Distribution Channel' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'OrgInfo', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 50 } ],
identification:[ { position: 50, label: 'Division' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'OrgInfo', position: 30 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 60 } ],
identification:[ { position: 60, label: 'Sales Office' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'OrgInfo', position: 40 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 70 } ],
identification:[ { position: 70, label: 'Sales Group' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'OrgInfo', position: 50 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 80, label: 'Sold-to', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 80 } ],
identification:[ { position: 80, label: 'Sold-to' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'CustomerInfo', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 90, label: 'Ship-to', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 90 } ],
identification:[ { position: 90, label: 'Ship-to' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'CustomerInfo', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 100, label: 'Customer Reference', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 100 } ],
identification:[ { position: 100, label: 'Customer Reference' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'CustomerInfo', position: 30 }]

@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 130, label: 'Created By', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 110 } ],
identification:[ { position: 110, label: 'Created By' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 140, label: 'Created On', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 120 } ],
identification:[ { position: 120, label: 'Created On' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 130 } ],
identification:[ { position: 130, label: 'Created At' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 30 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 140 } ],
identification:[ { position: 140, label: 'Changed On' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 40 }]


Sales Order Item consumption view Metadata Extension

@Metadata.layer: #CUSTOMER

@UI: {
headerInfo: {
typeName: 'Sales Order Item',
typeNamePlural: 'Sales Order Items',

title: { type: #STANDARD, label: 'Sales Order Item' }

annotate view ZSD_C_SOITEM
@UI.facet: [
label: 'Item Information',
id : 'ItemData',
//parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'ItemData'
label: 'Internal Information',
id : 'InternalInfo',
//parentId : 'Header',
targetQualifier : 'InternalInfo'

@UI: {
hidden: true,
lineItem: [ { position: 10, label: 'Sales Order', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 10 } ],
identification:[ { position: 10, label: 'Sales Order' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 20, label: 'Item', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 20 } ],
identification:[ { position: 20, label: 'Item' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 30, label: 'Material', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 30 } ],
identification:[ { position: 30, label: 'Material' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 30 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 40, label: 'Description', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 40 } ],
identification:[ { position: 40, label: 'Description' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 40 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 50, label: 'Quantity', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 50 } ],
identification:[ { position: 50, label: 'Quantity' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 50 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 60 } ],
identification:[ { position: 60, label: 'Sales Unit' } ]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 70, label: 'Net Value', importance: #HIGH } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 70 } ],
identification:[ { position: 70, label: 'Net Value' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'ItemData', position: 70 }]
@UI: {
selectionField: [ { position: 80 } ],
identification:[ { position: 80, label: 'Currency' } ]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 90, label: 'Created By', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 90 } ],
identification:[ { position: 90, label: 'Created By' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 10 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 100, label: 'Created On', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 100 } ],
identification:[ { position: 100, label: 'Created On' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 20 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 110, label: 'Created At', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 110 } ],
identification:[ { position: 110, label: 'Created At' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 30 }]
@UI: {
lineItem: [ { position: 120, label: 'Changed On', importance: #LOW } ],
selectionField: [ { position: 120 } ],
identification:[ { position: 120, label: 'Changed On' } ],
fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'InternalInfo', position: 40 }]


Exposing the Business Object consumption CDS view as oData service

Open transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and add the generated service to the list of activated services. This can either be co-deployed or routing-based, depending on your system setup.


Generating the Fiori Elements App

Open up SAP Web IDE and create a new project from template. Choose for "List Report Application" and click Next.

Enter following details (you can choose your own):

  • Project Name: ZSD_SO_DEMO_V1

  • Title: Manage Sales Orders

  • Namespace: be.thevaluechain

  • Description: Manage Sales Orders

Click "Next"

In the next screen choose your desired backend system from the service catalog and select your previously activated oData service. Click "Next".

Select all remote annotations and click "Next".

Enter following details:

  • OData Collection: ZSD_C_SOHEADER

  • OData Navigation: to_items

Click "Finish".

Select the newly created project and click the "play" button in the toolbar.

Select "flpSandbox.html" and click "OK".

Open the app by clicking the generated tile.


Our app now has basic functionality:

  • Search

  • Result list report

  • Search helps

  • Detail screens (display)

In the next parts we'll implement the required logic to enable:

  • Changing existing Sales Orders

  • Deleting existing Sales Orders

  • Creating new Sales Orders

  • Locking Sales Orders when a Draft instance is created

Labels in this area