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Dear Friends,

We Implemented S/4 Hana 1610 recently in a Green Field Project. I didn’t found anywhere complete configuration of BP-Vendor. At many places we found BP for conversion and BP-Customer, but not BP-Vendor for fresh implementation. Even SAP Notes, Forums and Building Blocks didn’t talk about BP-Vendor for Fresh Implementation. I decided to make a document which can be useful for all. I try to cover all solutions which I face in implementation.

I try to cover related Business Partner all aspects including mass upload. Its very comprehensive.

I am Sai Krishna Kosuri. I have 26 yrs of experience and 13 yrs in SAP. I worked in SAP MM, SRM, DMS and Project Management areas.

We need to define number ranges at two places. One for BP Role and another for Vendor Account Group. Keep same no. range for same type of role in both cases. Keep no. range as Internal or External for BP Role, but for Vendor Account Group make as external no. range.


Following are the sequence of Steps:

  1. Define BP Role

IMG menu SPRO-Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Business Partner Roles ® Define BP Roles
Transaction code  FI_APAR_SEPA_CUST or BUCG


BP Role Title Description
000000 Business Partner (Gen.) Business Partner (Gen.)
FLVN00 FI Vendor * Business Partner Vendor
FLVN01 Purchase Vendor * Business Partner Supplier

Check if not exist, create. Normally even though 000000 is a standard not exist.

These are like our ECC General data, Company code data and Purchasing data

*Note: Change the Title description as per your need. We changed text for easy understanding

  1. Define Number Ranges for BP Group

IMG menu SPRO-Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Number Ranges and Groupings ® Define Number Ranges
Transaction code BUCF


No From No. To Number Ext
01 0010000000 0019999999
02 002000000 0029999999
03 CZA000001 CZA999999 X
04 G0001 GZZZZ X

Here we assign number ranges for each BP Group (like Local / Foreign Vendor). Same we did in ECC.

Note: Define number ranges as per your business requirement. I have taken only Four. As per business need we can keep internal or external without any clash

  1. Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges

IMG menu SPRO-Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Number Ranges and Groupings ® Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
Transaction code BUC2


Field Name Entry 1  Entry 2
Grouping BP01 BP02
Short Name Local Vendor Foreign Vendor
Description Internal Local Vendor Internal Foreign Vendor
Number range 01 02
External leave empty Leave Empty
Int. Std. Grping leave empty leave empty
Ext. Std. Grping leave empty leave empty
Hide leave empty leave empty


Field Name Entry 1  Entry 2
Grouping BP03 BP04
Short Name Local Emp  Vend Forign Emp Vend
Description External  Local Employee Vendor External Foreign Employee Vendor
Number range 03 03
External X X
Int. Std. Grping leave empty leave empty
Ext. Std. Grping leave empty leave empty
Hide leave empty leave empty

Likewise, as per business requirement make no. ranges and assign as shown if you more requirement.

Note:i).  Internal Std. Grouping can be done for ONE role only. Whatever role you select here as Internal Std. Grouping, that role will be selected automatically at the time of BP Creation (in Master data creation- transaction) if you didn’t select any role.

Note :ii) As Standard SAP, at least ONE internal std. grouping to be defined. SAP note: 2344905- BP cannot be created from Customer due to error R11124

This means that Standard group will be default if we didn’t select any value.

  1.  Configure field attributes per client

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Field Groupings ® Configure Field Attributes per Client
Transaction Code S_A2C_40000180


Double-click Configure Field Attributes for Each Client.

On the Change View “Field Grouping Client-Wide”: Overview screen, create the following settings:

Create the following settings:

Configure Field Attributes per BP Role: BP Role : BUPA
Double click BUPA à Double click Central Data

  • Set Organization: Name 1 to Req.entry

  • Set Person: Last Name to Req.entry

  1. Configure field attributes per BP Role

IMG menu Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Field Groupings ® Configure Field Attributes per BP Role
Transaction code BUCG


Double-click Configure Field Attributes for Each Role Category:  FLVN00 and FLVN01

On the Change View “Field Group BP Role”: Overview screen, choose data correct data set

We made following fields as mandatory.

FLVN00 >>Vendor: General Company Code >> make mandatory fields : Reconciliation acct, Sort key and check Double Invoice

FLVN01 >> Vendor: Purchasing>> make mandatory fields : Vendor: Purchase Order Currency, Vendor: Terms of Payment

Likewise, you can do as per your requirement in other roles and data sets

Each field is assigned with field group no. Even though some data set description not showing it has field groups assigned to it.


  1. Bringing non visible fields in BP Role screen and making mandatory

Sometimes we didn’t find fields in BUCG screen. Like Schema Vendor Group (Schema Group Supplier- LFM1-KALSK) is not visible in screen. It is hidden / missing in FLVN01 BP role. Follow below steps to bring that field on screen

BUCG initial screen

Above missing Field group description and Data set description missing can be done based on Note: 2332494 - Field Groups and Data sets Description missing for the fields developed for customer and vendor functionality

Step A:  Define Field group description in BUS2. Click on New entries

Step B: In BUS2

Please make sure 'Not a req. field'-flag is not set. After that the customizing in SPRO can be made for the required field

Select 3352 field group >> Field Group -> Fields

Step C: Define data set description in BUS23

Step D : In BUCG make that field mandatory


  1. If field group is assigned two fields and want to make one field mandatory

2032 field group is common for GR-Based Invoice Verification (LFM1-WEBRE) and Free Goods (LFM1-NRGEW)

If requirement is GR Based Invoice verification is to be made mandatory, but Free goods is not mandatory.

Step A: in BUS2 do setting as shown

Step  B: BUCG do mandatory as shown


  1. Maintain form of address

IMG PATH Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Forms of Address ® Maintain Forms of Address
T-CODE S_ABA_72000037


User Action Key Title Person Org. Grp. Gender
Create 0001 Ms. X X 2 Female
Create 0002 Mr. X X 1 Male
Create 0003 Company X Gender not known
Create 0004 Mr. and Mrs. X Gender not known
Create 0005 Mrs. X X 2 Female


  1. Define Identification types

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Business Partner ® Basic Settings ® Identification Numbers ® Define Identification Types
Transaction Code S_A2C_40000110


On the Change View “Identification Types”: Details screen, create the following settings, if not exists. Normally all will exist.

  1. ERP Customer / Vendor Account group settings


Here we will map BP with our ERP vendor

IMG PATH Financial Accounting (New) ® Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ® Vendor Accounts ® Master Data ® Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data ® Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts
TCODE S_ALR_87003103


Here we will make all vendor no. ranges as external. Take the same number range which we defined at BP Group no. ranges BUCF

This is the same what we are doing in ECC


  1. Define Account groups with screen layout (Vendors)

IMG PATH Financial Accounting (New) ® Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ® Vendor Accounts ® Master Data ® Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data ® Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
TCODE S_ALR_87003126


Account Group Name One-time account Field Status
Z001 Local Vendor Set for all fields the status to “Optional entry”
Z002 Foreign Vendor Set for all fields the status to “Optional entry”
Z003 Employee Vendor Local Set for all fields the status to “Optional entry”
Z004 Employee Vendor Expatriate Set for all fields the status to “Optional entry”


  1. Assign No. range to Vendor account groups

IMG PATH Financial Accounting (New) ® Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ® Vendor Accounts ® Master Data ® Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data ® Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups
TCODE S_ALR_87003201


Group Name Numer range
Z001 Local Vendor 01
Z002 Foreign Vendor 02
Z003 Employee Vendor Local 03
Z004 Employee Vendor Expatriate 04


  1. Activation Switch for Functions

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Activation Switch for Functions
Transaction Code S_ABA_72000243


User Action Development Active Description
Set to active BUT020 X Time Dependency BP Addresses
Set to active BUT0BK X Time Dependency BP Bank Data
Set to active BUT100 X Time Dependency BP Roles



  1. Activate Function Modules

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® SAP Business Partner ® Data Distribution ® Activate Function Modules
Transaction Code S_ABA_72000207


User Action Evenet Object Item Function module Call


  1. Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog


IMG PATH Cross-Application Components ® Master Data Synchronization ® Synchronization Control ® Synchronization Control ® Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog
TCODE S_PAB_09000016


User Action Syn. Object PPO Active
Create BP X


  1. Activate Creation of Postprocessing Orders


IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® General Application Functions ® Postprocessing Office ® Business Processes ® Activate Creation of Postprocessing Orders
Transaction Code /SAPPO/72000178

On the Change View “Activate Creation of Postprocessing Orders”:Overview screen, create the following settings:

User Action Component Business Process Act.
Create AP-MD CVI_03 X
Create AP-MD CVI_04 X


  1. Activate Synchronization Options

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® Master Data Synchronization ® Synchronization Control ® Synchronization Control ® Activate Synchronization Options
Transaction Code S_PAB_09000018


User Action Component Business Process Act.

  1. Define No. assignment for Direction BP to Vendor


IMG PATH Cross-Application Components ® Master Data Synchronization ® Customer/Vendor Integration ® Business Partner Settings ® Settings for Vendor Integration ® Field Assignment for Vendor Integration ® Assign Keys ® Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor
TCODE S_ALN_01002326


User Action BP Grouping Short Name Vendor Account Group Name Same Number
Create BP01 Local Vendor Z001 Local Vendor X
Create BP02 Foreign Vendor Z002 Foreign Vendor X
Create BP03 Employee vendor Z003 Employee Vendor Local X
Create BP04 Emp Vendor Expa Z004 Employee Vendor Expatriate X

Here we assign BP Group and Vendor account group.


  1. Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor

IMG Menu Cross-Application Components ® Master Data Synchronization ® Customer/Vendor Integration ® Business Partner Settings ® Settings for Vendor Integration ® Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor
Transaction Code S_ALN_01002328


Field Name Entry Value Comment
BP Role Cat. FLVN01
Description Business Partner Vendor (FS: BP)
Vendor-Based X
Optional for Vendor leave empty
Role Control Setting leave empty
Default Settings leave empty

  1. Define Tax Categories


SPRO -> Cross-Application components -> SAP Business Partner -> Business Partner ->Basic Settings -> Tax Number -> Maintain Tax Categories

TCODE S_AEC_66000043



In the note 775919, you can find all the standard tax categories. You could also define the customized ones. This is addressed in note 201073.


Below are the tax number categories that SAP delivers:

AE0    UAE: VAT Registration Number

BG0   Bulgaria: Vat Registration Number
BG1   Bulgaria: Unified ID Code
BG2   Bulgaria: Personal ID

DE0   Germany: VAT Registration Number
DE1   Germany: Income Tax Number
DE2   Germany: VAT Number

  1. Tax Number Categories of Business Partner




The function module for those tax number types ends with '0' (eg. DE0, AT0) is VAT_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_CHECK.
For the others, assign the function module BUPA_TAX_NUMBER_CHECK.


  1. Tax Categories system messages

T.Code: SM31 : Table/View 'T100s'

Field Name Entry 1
Application Area BUPA_TAX
Message no 400
Allowed WEIS-
Standard I
Switch Off


  1. Define Tax Category message control

With this we can control entering same tax number twice in system for ay vendor

T.Code: OBA5

Field Name Entry 1
Application Area BUPA_TAX
Message 400
Online E
Batch E


  1. Postal code mandatory can be done in OY07 transaction

  2. Partner Roles, Assigning Vendor Account Group, Partner Schemas, Assign Partner Schemas to Vendor Account Groups is same as we do in ECC


  1. Following standard like: Maintain Industry Systems and Industries,Assign Industries, Maintain Legal Forms, Define Departments, Define Functions, Define Contact Person Functions, Define Authority, Define VIP Entries, Maintain Authorization Groups,and their Assignment is common or Business requirement so not discussed


  1. For Mass upload of BP, new transaction Migration cockpit like LTMC. SAP has delivered some standard objects. All templates available on transaction download fill and upload then proceed. You need to map the fields.


If we want to add new fields go to transaction LTMOM

If you face any issue, use CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN'and make program of your own.


You also can use XK99 standard Vendor Mass Maintenance


We can use Rapid Data Migration tool also

  1. Note that there is no reports on BP in SAP GUI. In Fiori we get more reports.I hope covered all the topics which requires for Business Partner (Vendor) Customization, Mass uploads. I try to mention comparing with ECC, so that it can be understood easily. I mentioned along with screen shots also which will be much helpful. I try to cover many points which I didn’t find in blogs. I mentioned relevant SAP notes where ever required. 

    Hope you will more insight to Business Partner and will be much helpful.

    Hope will come with more blog in future.

    Thanx for reading for the blog.

    Sai Krishna Kosuri

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