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Former Member

Dear All,

I would like to share the information on TREX search engine configuration "Document search with in original"where many people gets an issue while configuration. This document will help us to check the basic settings required to activate the “text search with in original”.

Basically the “Text search will be inactive” as shown below.

To activate the text search within original do the following settings:

Go to maintain search server relationship

Create DRFUZZY server if not found and set as default as shown below.

Go to next tab maintain RFC destination and maintain as shown below:

Check RFC destination configured with the TREX server in next tab:

Click connection test ( If found link made) Connection successful.

Goto SKPR06  t code and index release and classify for DMS and DMS2.

Run the program in SE38 RSTIRIDX for indexing and schedule the back ground job to run the program for indexing.(This needs to be done only if required)

Test Result:


Also please check whether you have not missed these configurations:

For text search you have activate TREX Server follow the steps


A:- Transaction: SRMO

Install TREX , and create RFC destination to connect to TREX.

B:- Transaction: SKPR06

Check the flag to Document Area "DMS" to utilize this document area for

document search.

C:-For Indexing (If required)

Transaction: SE38

Run the report program "RSTIRIDX_REINDEX" to create Index.

Also, run the report program "RSTIRIDX" to create Index.

😧 Set mime type for the text search


Cross-Application Components > Document Management System > General Data > Settings for Storage Systems > Create MIME types for full

text search,

Enter MIME type like



System will search only the document with above files.

E: Retrive document via Test Search

Then, test retrieval document search using

Transaction: SKPR07.

Enter Document Class "DMS_PCD1", Language "EN", Document Class "DMS",

and try "TEST search".

Hope the above documents and steps for TREX search engine helps.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nayeem,

Its very useful and easy to understand document, great work. It was of great help.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Kumar :smile:

0 Kudos

Dear Nayeem,

Nice document, Keep Sharing.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Nayeem,

Thanks for the above document. I am trying to add the search but am facing a hurdle (I do not understand ABAP much)

system asks for a "RFC destination (TCP/IP)". Please could you advise which address to add here.


0 Kudos

Hello Nayeem,

thanks for this. I managed to implement full text search in cv04n with TREX, but I don't understand how to configure it with HANA.

In our system, enterprise search with HANA is implemented and working. I activated DOCUMENT_MODEL_H~ and I can find the document info record.

I can't find a search connector for full text search within the documents.

When I try it the way you described, I have this problem:
In SKPR07 you need to assign an RFC connection which I don't have with an inplace HANA.

When I try to index in SKPR07, I get the error 'Index category could not be created' INDEXING015 - with error 8 - no RFC connection.

Any ideas?



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