This is the third blog discussing basic standard configuration steps for creating a new company code. In Part 1 I listed and discussed items in Enterprise Structure that needed to be configured. I followed that up with details from specific FI configuration. In this edition I'm going to focus on SD and MM modules. Here's a snapshot of what's being covered in these blogs:
- Enterprise Structure - Part 1
- FI Configuration - Part 2
- SD Configuration - Part 3
- Logistics – General - Part 3
- AR & AP - Part 4
- Materials Management - Part 3
I'm actually going to cover AR & AP in the last part of this series.
SD Configuration
- VOR1 - Define Common Distribution Channels per Sales Organization.
- VOR2- Define Common Divisions per Sales Organization.
- OVR2 - Define Industry Sector for Customers
- VOV8 - Maintain New Sales Order Types
- OVZA/VN01 - Create Number ranges for SD Documents
- OVF2 - Define Rules by Sales Area - this is used if your organization is using Business Area extensibly in reporting.
- OVF6 - Assign Dunning Area
- OVAN - Assign Divisions to Sales Doc - This is used to assign a specific Division to Order Types is necessary. Normally this is left blank.
- OVAM - Assign Distribution Channel to Sales Doc - Similar to Divisions if you have a requirement for Distribution Channels to be specific based on Sales Document Type here is where you would identify that default.
- OVAO - Assign specific Sales Organization - similar to OVAN/OVAM.
- VKOA - Assign GL Accounts - This is another one that could have it's own blog. Here are standard type of setups:

- Within each of the 5 tables you can assign GL Accounts. It works hierarchically if an account is not found in Table 1 the search moves on to Table 2 and on down the line.
- In addition to these generic standard tables you can also create a customized table using components that may be more suitable to your business environment.
I will now move on to Configuration in the Logistics area.
Logistics - General
- OB44 - Define Industries - THis is done to organize Customers and Vendors by specific business categories.
- OBD2 - Define Account Groups and Fields Selections for Customers. THis allows you to classify Customer accounts and regulates access to various fields in master data.
- OVSX - Define Loading Groups
- XDN1 - Define Customer Number Ranges.
The last section in this blog is the Materials Management(MM) module.
Materials Management
- OX10 - Edit Plant View - Revisited from Enterprise Structure section.
- OMB2 - Auto create Storage Location per Plant
- Storage location data is only created automatically if this is:
- Allowed in the relevant plant and
- Provided for in the movement type
If these prerequisites are not satisfied, you must maintain the storage location data of a material before you post the first goods receipt in the relevant storage location.
- SM30 - Tables VV_169G_PS and V_169G set variable tolerances for document entry.
- SM30 - Table V_159L Plant settings for Inventory Managment
- SM30 - V_169P_IRTAX set tax treatment in Invoice Reduction needs to be set in one of two ways:
- Tax reduction in complaint document specified that the taxes in the original document are passed on as they are in the vendor invoice. The tax amount for the invoice reduction is credited in the complaint document.
- OMR2 - Maintain default tax codes
- OMS2 - Maintain Material Types
- OMRX - Maintain any Vendor specific tolerances.
- OMRDC - Duplicate Invoice There are three checks that can be activated:
- Check Co. Code
- Check Reference
- Check Inv Date
- OMSY - set the Fiscal Year and perod when MM is first available.
- OMWD - Account Determination for Valuation Areas
- OMWB - Automatic Account Determination. THis is another one that could have it's own blog. All material movements are linked here to GL Accounts for FI postings.
- OKB9 - Automatic Cost Element/Cost Center Assignment
- Cost Center is the primary assignment but Business Area/Valuation Area, Profit Center and Internal Orders are other components an auto post for Cost Element can be established.
- This table is critical to have populated for automatic postings to work when using a Cost Element.
This completes the SD and MM module configuration section. Much of this requires more discussion by the business but when adding a new company code most settings from existing company codes are replicated in the new company code.
There is more configuration required for each of the above areas but what I tried to capture here were critical pieces that can have an impact on automatic posting in FI/CO modules.
The next and final blog from this series will be about AP & AR settings along with some tips on what master data