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To be able to use your developed customer-specific ByDesign solution in the current version, a few steps are necessary. To ensure that all elements work, it is best to have the solution enabled, all files checked in and activated. Do the scoping and if necessary, click on the “Deploy Business Configuration” button.

But what if this standard procedure is not enough? Don't worry, there are also simple workarounds for the special cases, which I have described in the following.

Case 1: New script file:

You recently created a new script and checked it in and activated the BeforeSave Event.

But even after the script is activated your code is still not being executed. You may have also tried to debug the solution and the new event is not being called. So how can you proceed?

The respective BO is not active after the script has been created, but this is not displayed in the Solution Explorer. If you refresh you will see the inactive BO:

You can also simply activate the BO again without using the refresh button. After that your script is active and your code will be executed. 😊

Case 2: Custom Forms

The situation is similar with custom forms, after a change you cannot directly see that the FTHD file is not active in the Solution Explorer. However, the solution described above also works in this case 😊

Case 3: Translations

Translations are missing, although at first glance everything looks fine. This example describes a German translation of a BCC file, which is used for message texts. This seems alright at first:

The translations are maintained. However, this does not mean that these are already being actively used in the system, even if the BCC file is active.

The reason is that the BCC is associated with the BAC file and dependent on the business configuration.

If you click through the wizard of the BAC file and then activate it again, the translations of the BCC file, in this example the translations of the message texts, are also activated again in the system.

This problem could previously be solved by right-clicking on the solution and clicking "Deploy Business Configuration", but since the middle of this year this no longer seems to be sufficient, at least the problem has occurred more frequently since this year.

I hope I could help you with these steps to completely activate all elements of your solution. Do you know other cases, other solutions or do you have any questions? Then to leave a comment and let's discuss it. 😊
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