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Active Contributor
The blog post aims to evaluate the Monitor material coverage app features WRT  classical tools MD04 and MD07 with use cases.

Use Case 1: Material type - Raw material, Initial stock -0, No demand or supply elements.


You can select days of supply in the layout, the stock availability graph is shown as above when 0 stock is available in the stock.

Use Case 2: Material type - Raw material, Initial stock -0, No supply elements , Demand (safety stock maintained).

Observe Days of supply - This is not matching with MD07. Other data do match. One more observation in the app, if you don't filter the list by the material and go through all the output, you can see that data for the material (days of supply, correctly matches with Md07). Please let me know if you see the same issue on your screens. Apart from this minor issue, the Monitor material coverage app looks visually more appealing and is recommended over MD07 for the following reasons.

1- Create your own layout (Raw material MRP controller, SFG/FG MRP controllers can have their own layout

2- Graphical visibility of shortage (Which can be configured -Like from 21 days to 35 days)

3- Filtering by MRP standard vs filtering by Days of supply (Very useful feature to focus on shortages first), Time till shortage (Comparable to traffic light feature in MD07)

4- You have related actions in the same screen like - Manage material and start a quick MRP run


Conclusion: The monitor material coverage app is more visually appealing than MD07. However, some filter options of MD07 are still very useful, and we don't see them in the Monitor material coverage app; hence both need to be used for the time being until we see all the features in the Material coverage app.

Some MD07 features which are still to be seen in Fiori app are

1- Already accessed indicator.

2- Way to manage MRP issues along with the material situation in MD07 (In the material coverage app, we don't have the feature to manage MRP exceptions)

3- MD07 filters (Find materials by various filters, range of coverage, Find exceptions etc.) still need to be fully covered in the Fiori app.

The end users are now finding it useful to browse the app first and then to switch to MD07 and MD04 for detailed analysis.

The next blog will compare these objects when we see some future demand.



Good write up. Looks like the Fiori app is not a replacement for mD07, but user friendly for day to day use by planners.

Good explanation.I am seeing different traffic light settings in my system.

Check your evaluation profile settings
Narasimha. Good explanation in simple language. Very few blogs exists explaining Material coverage app in detail. Blog1,



Thanks for this.
Narasimha , are you suggesting Monitor material coverage as replacement for MD07?
I found the below blog very useful. It is based on sap note. This was used when we had issue in enabling these FIORI apps


Active Contributor
Not yet. It has great features, but not MD07 replacement yet
Active Contributor
This is useful to me too.
Active Contributor
Thanks. I will try to consolidate them in the  blog.
Active Contributor
Yes, I have recommended planners to look this app initially , instead of MD07 (Filter by day's supply) andthen investigate it further basedon many features in the app. They will use MD07 mainly for MRP issues. MD04 is to be used last (Unlike in traditional ECC, MD04 played major role)
Just an observation: Days of supply in Fiori match with Md07 in my system. Check your settings .
Other obesrvation: Fiori app doesn't show all the 3 days of supply. Md07 shows all 3
0 Kudos
This blog is very useful
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hmm, I need to test again. Will get back
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Yes, Good point
0 Kudos

For me too, I am unable to see traffic lights properly. In my client user saves it as he wants. Could you explain how to do this from configuation?
Deepa, can you please share the screen on what you are getting? For me it is showing same as what is shown in this blog post
Hi Sameena

These notes are not applicable for latest S4 releases. It is already taken care. now we don't get error when we click internal requirement.
Also, when stock is 0, why do days of supply show 999? It is very hard to explain to the business.
I guess it is standard although weird as you rightly pointe out,
Coverage 2 and 3 are usually configured for firm supplies; SAP should give provision to display them too. Do you know how we can enhance the app to show them?
0 Kudos
Thanks Shaswati
Active Contributor
Did you try OMIA - check sap help  

remove coverage profile from MRP2 and then save and then put it again and check
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
No Idea
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Good blog. Where do we do accept shortage (since the revoke shortage button is showing up ?
0 Kudos
Good blogs
0 Kudos
first you go to "shortage" tab (click on your red MRP element from where your shortage occurs in the Material/Requirement List tab)

Here you have a new button "accept shortage" if your are not able to resolve it or do not want to.

then, from your initial list, you have the field "Shortage Accepted" that could be displayed or filtered;
0 Kudos

Hello Experts, 

Can anyone explain me how we can use MD07 if our Monitor Material app is not working. Multiple times we faced issues with this tile, it shows No data when we run it. So as a workaround can we use MD07 transaction. If yes, how to know the shortage from this t code.

0 Kudos


Regarding User Case 2. We have a similar case, only difference is that Stock Availability in green for hole horizon and in Monitor Material Coverage is showing Days' Supply 999 (positive) as MD04 and MD07 -999 (negative).

I'm expecting to see grey color like it is stated in SAP Note 2825401 - Display Safety Stock as Shortage have stated "If no goods movement has ever been posted for a material, the availability chart is shown in grey and the popover shows "No data" but our business requirement is to see red color.

In Configuration we can set-up Shortage Definition and rules for Supply and Demand. Would that solve our issue? Any comments from anybody highly appreciated!

EDIT: S/4HANA version 2020 FSP02 currently in use but Upgrade to 2023 FSP01.

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