Column stacked 100 % chart is not among the
options for S/4HANA Fiori Overview Page chart types. But usually this chart type goes hand in hand with column stacked chart. The moment user see column stacked chart their next ask will be column stacked % chart. Read the blog how to model column stacked 100 % chart and be prepared for upcoming user requirements.
For example, once users analyzed AR aging groups open amount over time, then their next ask will be relative percentage share of each AR aging group open amount over time.

This is a very valid business requirement since overall AR open amount varies because of seasonal trends, it is hard to estimate percentage share of AR open amount aging group over time. Lets say, to answer a question if bad debt share (aging group 91..) is decreasing or increasing over time. This is where column stacked 100% chart comes handy.

This is how column stacked chart is defined. As you can see there is only one measure - OpenAmount and two dimensions - KeyDate_T and AgingGroup in category and series respectively.

It should be as easy to create a column stacked 100% chart as choosing a different chart type (stretching stacked columns to 100%), but unfortunately it is not the case.
This is what is required to turn column stacked into column stacked 100% chart:
Defined a set of 100% restricted measures

Note: set of restricted measures adds up to 100%
Stack 100% restricted measures one on top of another in Column Stacked chart
As you see there is a set of restricted measures and dimension - KeyDate_T in category.

For more Fiori Elements tips and tricks please refer to my book
SAP S/4HANA Analytical Applications with Fiori Elements