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This blog intends to provide the manual replication tools handy during different phases of CFIN implementation.

Often in project, there are situation where you would like to replicate a single/ few record necessary to validate say Badi enhancement or custom solution with actual data for consistency check before going full-fledged initial load or RTR. There are other reasons as well for targeted document replication like

  • SLT transfer error

  • Deletion of record by accident

  • Confirming the Error in AIF

  • Change of mapping,

  • Reversal document is in the initial load scope while its preceding document does not exist in initial load scope, etc.

These tools are fit for low data volume, like the scenario to replicate one missing CO or FI document or missing cost object in the Central system.


Use cases

Depending upon the CFIN Scenario and specific requirement, below Transactions/ Report enables you to replicate individual Cost Objects, FIDO, CODO docs. They either bypass SLT or smartly inject the missing doc in Logging table to synch with SLT.


A. FI (CFIN_ACCHD) – Replicate Individual FI Document


1. Post Extraction & before Initial Load


Depending upon the requirement you can select Mass Data Activity as CJ5, CJ2, etc. Work package is combination of Logical system, company code, FY, Ref. doc no.

  • CJ1 Central Finance Data Extraction

  • CJ2 Initial Load for Central Finance: Post

  • CJ3 Central Finance: Re-Open Technical Clearings

  • CJ4 Initial Load for Central Finance: Simulate Mapping

  • CJ5 Initial Load for Central Finance: Simulate Posting

You can also use this report for Individual data extraction and execute in Debug mode.


2. Post Real Time Replication Activation


This program add the Accounting document in Logging table in Source which is picked by SLT

3. Post RTR Activation



B. CO Document (COBK) - Replicate Individual Controlling Documents

1 Pre or Post Initial Load/RTR

CFIN_CO_DOC_REPL - Replicate Individual CO Documents

2 Pre or Post Initial Load/RTR

CFIN_CO_SIMU - Simulate CO Replication


3 Post RTR

CFIN_CO_DOC_CRCT - Reverse and Repost CO Documents


C. Replicate Accounting View of Logistic Doc (AVL)

1 Post RTR


This is not the standard report and need the creation of Z program by copying & tweaking the logic of FI program to add AVL doc in Logging table - FIN_CFIN_SLT_ADD_LOGTAB.


D. Activity Rate Replication – COST

1 FINS_CFIN_AR_REPL - Replicate Activity Rates Manually

You can also replicate Activity types through :

2. CFIN_ACTY_TP_REPL - Replicate Activity Types Manually


E. Cost Object - AUFK

Pre/Post IL/Replication

CFIN_CO_OBJ_REPL - Replicate Individual Cost Objects


F. Cost Estimates Replication - KEKO

FINS_CFIN_MCE_REPL - Replicate Material Cost Estimates Manually


G. Commitment - CMT

CFIN_CMT_DOC_REPL - Replicate Individual Commitment


FINS_CFIN_COPA_DOC_CRCT - Reverse & Repost Replicated COPA Doc





J. SLT Re-Trigger


This report can be used When you need to retrigger replication of individual object entry from the source system to Central Finance due to the reason like accidental cancellation of an AIF message or AIF message was corrupted or may be AIF message itself was not created.

Practice care while using this program as it may lead to duplicity and also note that the original error messages will remain in the target system in AIF even if the new replication are transferred successfully


As mentioned above, while these tools are very helpful during different stage of project or support phase, it should be used for low volume data as they are not substitute to SLT and need utmost care. Pls do share any other Transaction you come across.

Keep exploring!
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